What factors helped the economies of the Muslim empires prosper?

79 answers

Check your text and/or search Google.

factors helped economies of muslim empires prosper
Thanks for what you said that helped soooooo much (sarcasm). Aren't you on the app to actually help kids. Your really not helping by saying "check your text". If we could easily get the answer in our textbook, I'm pretty sure that we wouldn't be here.
What is your problem, Truthfully? As someone who was raised Christian, but isn’t that religious anymore, I find what you said absolutely disgraceful. Someone who’s religion is Islam, doesn’t make them a terrorist. Terrorism isn’t a religion. And no religion preaches terrorism. And it’s not a dumb thing to study. I find Islam a really interesting religion to learn about. What about the terrorist attack, AGAINST those Muslims in New Zealand? You know, the mass shootings? The ones that killed 50 Muslims? It’s people like you, who make this world a place where nobody is treated as equals. People who are shunned based off of their life styles. Learn to grow up, and respect people for who they are.
uwu you. are. SO RIGHT!!! Thank you for showing those bad people on this site what we think about them!
well dam uwu showed you but i agree with uwu 100% now a days people judge to quickly.
well noone helped him so this turned into a ranting place for people...
You know that islam spreads peace not hate and terrirosim Innocent muslims are hurt
i just wanted the answer because i have 5 minuets to finish this
did you really copy an essay just to say to a kid come on really? you could've told it to your fitth grade english class but nope
geography *sorry*
what is going on?! yall weird XD
TRUTHFULLY you're not very TRUTHFUL lol
It was a good question /\/\
Why can't people just come here to answer a question or to get your answer? In every question I come to see there is always criticism
Anyways one factor is: Their development of advanced concepts, techniques and use in production, investment, finance, economic development, and etc. This helped them with the way they had lived their lives. Hoped that helped for one of your factors.
Thx "Halo"
this is so off topic lmao
Amen!!!! uwu
wow this dude that responded above me is so late it's saddening and on top of that it's really none of yalls buisiness so..... Why talk about it
Hallelujah kanye west im with u 100% all we want is help all y'all trippin 😡
Ok, I want to help best as possible but this is as much as I was able to find, so sorry its so short . Please use this for a refrance and find some extra information else ware if possible. The Umayyads moved the capitol from Medina to Damascus. They
also embraced open commercial and trade markets, promoted the arts
and sciences, and established a strong internal infrastructure.
Halos the only one who helped and wasnt ranting
Halos to you too, I'm glad I might have been able to help some people. :D
-_- wow yeah i think ill go to brainly for now on
Ok so, uwu is wrong, like super wrong because that kid is not a terrorist. I mean think of that. I can picture a messed up image right now. Plus, you got everybody off topic talking about your religion, and raging at this innocent kid who did the smallest thing. You also wrote this huge paragraph with this "awesome" speech and giving "evidence".
yall never like to give the answer who else thinks that?
Madara Uchiha
Are you okay-?
@Madara Uchiha bro i see you everywhere pasting that Madara quote from naruto.
Omg what the hell is wrong with you?
What factors helped the economies of Muslim empires prosper? Prosper means the economies succeeded or did well. increased trade, the growth of wealthy city-states, and an interest in classical ideas and styles
Their development of advanced concepts, techniques and use in production, investment, finance, economic development, and etc. This helped them with the way they had lived their lives
halo just copied the answer off of brainly and its not even right
wut is this comment section, its just a bunch of dumb racist kids and people arguing with those dumb kids
Oh my gosh I just wanted help-
literally nobody here cares what anybody has to say all we want are answers... but then i just realized im doing the exact same thing as everyone else. our country sucks ☹
Disappointing to see the majority causing drama and not helping people that need it so why not agree to disagree and stop the drama.
Listen whenever you share you opinion on this website nothing gets done, everyone start fighting with each other, and in the end NO ONES HAPPY!
So please respect everyone and share facts because this is what this website is for NOT WARS!
What is it about essay questions that makes it so much more cancerous
You all need to chill it is just a essay question
Damn UWU you ripped into him
Can we please just get the answer
Ima head to brainly
Their development of advanced concepts, techniques and use in production, investment, finance, economic development, and etc. This helped them with the way they had lived their lives. Another factor is, it increased trade, the growth of wealthy city-states, and an interest in classical ideas and styles.
I'm staying away from the fighting because its non of my beeswax so don't bring me into that honey comb mess.
0-0 that whole thing I just saw looked like a crazy war between people who want answers, and people who just want to be rude to others.
WTH this is ridiculous ima post the answer also congrats uwu dang and yeah why is everyone out here fighting like 4th graders if your here for the question your in 7th grade so act like it 4th graders dont need to be raciist and act like they know everything its trucking dumb i dont care who you are but be ducking mature we are middle schoolers for fudges sake
99% of the comments are racist/not even related to the question.
someone pls help with the ACTUAL question rn bc we r suffering!!
I like how some people on hear think they know what they are saying but when you get older you will forget who you are and you will act very foolish thinking it is cool and you won't care about others you will just care about yourself but it is good to try and help people find their way and if I'm being 100% truthful on here which I am people need to find their own way others shouldn't choose it for them and on here we are all equals so we need to act like it and stop trying to boss people around and tell them to find their place in this world because eventually they will it might be good it might be bad but in the end it will be their decision and they will have to live with it for the rest of their lives just let them say what they want if you ignore them they will stop that is how you show that your grown up is by ignoring and not keeping it going. I hope you make the right choice in life. YOUR BOYYY signing off.
With the whole thing with uwu and stuff, it doesn't matter who says it, people need to be more respectful, how would you feel if sombody called you a terrorist because of your religion and race, stop being disrespectful to people and be nice
hey im ur mom
If brainly is soooooooooo much better why are you here not on there
uhm, here
Their development of advanced concepts, techniques and use in production, investment, finance, economic development, and etc. This helped them with the way they had lived their lives. Another factor is, it increased trade, the growth of wealthy city-states, and an interest in classical ideas and styles.
hope this helped!! also, lots on tea
tell me the answers
This chat getting political.
Don't make me get political in here 👱🏾
haha funni jiskha go brrrrr
brrrr just like a a10 worthog does to the muslums
Can we all stop being racist, just learn, why are we in school, to learn, not have a bias towards people's religion, race ethnicity. Social Studies is my favorite subject. I love learning about different religions. I feel proud when I learn about my religion. So never think that someone is superior or that you are superior, don't be a Karen, be tolerant, respect religion. And answers.
Gogo: I do Judaism

Nana: I'm a helper of the devil.
Some key factors stated in the textbook were: 1. Muslims conqured a lot of land so fast ebcause of the devotion their soilders had, since the soilders were fighting 'under god' 2. The Umayyad moved the captial and under them, the Muslim empire reaches its greatest height. How though? Let me tell you. 1, they signed peace treaties like the one with the Byzantine empire agreeing to joint rule of the island Cyprus. 2, establishing trade routes/networks, trading with China and Europe. 3, acceptance of the major religions (Christianty and Jewism at the time) of their conqured lands. 4, most people found the Islamic lifestyle ideal so converted anyways. Use at least 2 of these but this is what I found. Your welcome!
The economy of many Muslim empires were based on trade. Egypt's capital, Cairo, was Africa's most important city. It became a significant trade hub for products traveling to and from the Indian Ocean as a result of its location. It was also linked to a network of inland commerce. As a result, the vast majority of commercial goods had to travel through Cairo. Another major city was Baghdad. In 762, the Abbasids erected it as their new capital. In just a few decades, it has grown into one of the world's largest cities and a center of learning. Scholars from around the world gathered in Baghdad to share and expand their expertise. Without a robust economic base, Muslim cities could not have risen so swiftly. Farmers supplied food, wool, and other necessities. Many Muslim empires relied on trade to survive. Cairo, Egypt's capital, was Africa's most populous metropolis. Because of its position, it became a major commerce hub for goods traveling to and from the Indian Ocean. It was also connected to an inland trade network. As a result, Cairo was required to transport the great majority of commercial commodities. Baghdad was another important city. The Abbasids built it as their new capital in 762. It has grown into one of the world's largest cities and a hub of learning in just a few decades. Scholars from all over the world gathered in Baghdad to exchange ideas and increase their knowledge. Muslim cities could not have risen so quickly without a strong economic foundation. Farmers supplied food, wool, and other essentials.
Don't copy these are just Ideas.
Can we stop talking about religion and stuff, @uwu, let's stick to education okay, people just wanted answers not about anti - Semitism, and how you think it is bad, that is not even the answer, just give the answers and get done with it, why do I care about what you like and dislike? The main topic is about, How did Arab Empires prosper, not about terrorism and all. Plus this is history, not theocracy. No even asked your opinion, plus I like learning about the history of religions, and I am not being offensive.
And where do you even see the bad people on this site, I am angered by how you are getting off topic and not giving answers. Adults should be talking about massacres and mass shootings against the religion, but our main goal is to focus on learning and succeed, not to talk about religious persecution, which we can focus on and prevent when we get older.
0/18 for all of you.
dang bro im 4 years late lol
bruvh what be the answers
bro i js went thru 74 answers and didnt find anything but drama, yall fr wastin my time
@mhmm fr bro i found 3 but i doubt they're even correct
fr like i just need answers omfg
this is the answer
They prospered by these advantages. Merchants and trade routes such as the silk road, Islamic culture spreading to other places. The growth of each city within the empire was also prospering. Muhammad learned and passed his messages from God to his followers in Mecca.
please DON'T COPY THIS you can copy and reword this your self
Yes, that is correct! Well done. Remember not to copy directly from the internet or engage in plagiarism.