what does the word daff remind you off?
3 answers
"daff" could be a daffodil.... bright , perky, a harbinger of winter's end, spring's first flower.
It can be being goofy...a child romping, a jokester.
It can be being goofy...a child romping, a jokester.
Here is a bit more on "daff"
1. as a verb = Main Entry: daff
Pronunciation: 'daf
Function: transitive verb
Etymology: alteration of doff
Date: 1596
1 : archaic : to thrust aside
2 : obsolete : to put off (as with an excuse)
2. daft, which could me misunderstood:
Main Entry: daff
Pronunciation: 'daf
Function: transitive verb
Etymology: alteration of doff
Date: 1596
1 : archaic : to thrust aside
2 : obsolete : to put off (as with an excuse)
Or daffy, another adjective (that used to have the obsolete form "daff!"): Main Entry: daf·fy
Pronunciation: 'da-fE
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): daf·fi·er; -est
Etymology: obsolete English daff, n. (fool)
Date: circa 1884
- daf·fi·ly /'da-f&-lE/ adverb
1. as a verb = Main Entry: daff
Pronunciation: 'daf
Function: transitive verb
Etymology: alteration of doff
Date: 1596
1 : archaic : to thrust aside
2 : obsolete : to put off (as with an excuse)
2. daft, which could me misunderstood:
Main Entry: daff
Pronunciation: 'daf
Function: transitive verb
Etymology: alteration of doff
Date: 1596
1 : archaic : to thrust aside
2 : obsolete : to put off (as with an excuse)
Or daffy, another adjective (that used to have the obsolete form "daff!"): Main Entry: daf·fy
Pronunciation: 'da-fE
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): daf·fi·er; -est
Etymology: obsolete English daff, n. (fool)
Date: circa 1884
- daf·fi·ly /'da-f&-lE/ adverb