What do the words "problem," "policy," and "program," mean within the context of health and human services?

4 answers

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Just look for all the meanings of each word in a good dictionary (there are also dictionaries on the Web) and select the best meaning depending upon the context. If you aren't sure of a definition, we'll be glad to critique your work
Can anyone see if this is correct.

A problem is when a question has to be considered before answering or finding a solution. A policy is considered to be a system of laws that concerns a given topic by a governmental entity or its representatives. A program is a public service program that is made aware to the public.
Yes. You seem to have defined your terms correctly as they apply to human services. :-)

The only thing I'd change is to get rid of the word, when in the first sentence. The sentence should say, "A problem is a question that has to be considered before answering or finding a solution."
Thanks for the help.