Here is an excellent English/Spanish dictionary. I do not know what classroom items you need, but they will be here. Just put the English word into the search.
what are the classroom items in spanish
2 answers
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Actually, I'm surprised your textbook doesn't have a vocabulary list for you. Without seeing the vocabulary you want, it will be easy to miss something! Just come back with the vocabulary you'd like that isn't here:
atlas átlas
ballpoint pen bolígrafo
blackboard pizarra
large blackboard pizarrón
blackboard eraser borrador
book libro
bookcase estante
chalk tiza
compass compás
date book diario
desk (classroom) pupitre
desk (office) escritorio
dictionary diccionario
encyclopedia enciclopedia
eraser (pencil) goma
eyeglasses gafas
film projector proyector
ink tinta
magazine revista
map mapa (m.)
notebook cuaderno
paper papel
pen pluma
pencil lápiz (m)
record player tocadiscos
ruler regla
school bag mochila
slide projector proyector de
tack tachuela
tape recorder grabadora
textbook libro de texto
wall map mapa mural (m)
NOTE: about gender (el, la, los, las), all the words above ending in -a (except el mapa) are feminine = la
atlas átlas
ballpoint pen bolígrafo
blackboard pizarra
large blackboard pizarrón
blackboard eraser borrador
book libro
bookcase estante
chalk tiza
compass compás
date book diario
desk (classroom) pupitre
desk (office) escritorio
dictionary diccionario
encyclopedia enciclopedia
eraser (pencil) goma
eyeglasses gafas
film projector proyector
ink tinta
magazine revista
map mapa (m.)
notebook cuaderno
paper papel
pen pluma
pencil lápiz (m)
record player tocadiscos
ruler regla
school bag mochila
slide projector proyector de
tack tachuela
tape recorder grabadora
textbook libro de texto
wall map mapa mural (m)
NOTE: about gender (el, la, los, las), all the words above ending in -a (except el mapa) are feminine = la