what are some breakfast meals in spanish

1 answer

P.S. I tried to think of some food you might like for breakfast, so here's my list:

Los alimentos = foods
el huevo = egg
el pan = bread
la mantequilla = butter
la carne = meat
el pescado = fish
la sal = salt
la pimienta = pepper
el a zúcar = sugar

Las bebidas = beverages
el café = coffee
el agua = water (fem.)
el té = tea
la leche = milk
el chocolate = ch ocolate
la crema = cream

Las frutas = fruits
la manzana = apple
la cereza = cherry
la pera = pear
el melocotón - peach
la banana = banana
la fresa = strawberry
la naranja = orange
la piña = pineapple
la toronja = grapefruit
el melón = melon
la uva = grape
el limón = lemon

El servicio de mesa = tableware
la taza = cup
el cuchillo = knife
el vaso = glass
el plato = plate
el tenedor = fork
la servilleta = napkin
la cuchara = spoon
el mantel = tablecloth

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