what 3 or 4 political changes were the most important in the U.S., circa 1890s – 1910s?

what were the 3 most important impacts of increased U.S. involvement in foreign countries, 1890s – 1910s?

what were the 3 most important social changes in the United States, circa 1870s – 1900s?

5 answers

Well, what do your assigned readings say on these topics?
Reed is right. If you've read your assignments, you have access to the information you need.

PLUS -- the words "most important" in those questions indicate that your answers need to be what YOU THINK, not what anyone else thinks.
The problem is the assigned textbooks give more than 3 for each one, and I'm not sure which are the best 3. That is why I asked
The words, "best" or "most important," imply a judgement call. Our ideas may not be any more accurate than yours.

Think carefully about each question and the possible answers. Then use your judgement.
Reed or Ms. Sue, if I do the one for the 3 most important social changes for an essay do you think i could talk about the bungalow craze/arts and crafts movement, National American Woman's suffrage Association of 1890, and women's christian temperance movement, and maybe a fourth of women's voting rights and how it affected women socially and the rest of society socially?