If you don't know anything about Five Night's at Freddy's, maybe reconsider answering these questions. I will not be coming back to the page or at least not for a while (I'll probably forget about it that's why). This quiz is just for fun, so no pressure! All of the answers are decided upon your opinion. Please do no judge or bully other people for their answers and AUs.
-Sincerely the amazing protagonist from Five Night's at Freddy's

1.Which is the more superior food?
A. Ice cream
B. Toast
C. Garbage
D. Cookies

2. Which came first?
A. When Mangle bit Fritz's head.
B. When the Crying Child's frontal lobe was removed by Fredbear.

3. Short answer: Please answer with a reason and short explanation:
William Afton has perished in a bunny suit many times, so does that make him an undead furry?

4. Short answer: Please answer with a reason and short explanation:
This is a question people have been debating about for a very long time. Now, there really is no answer, but I want you to explain what you think. Does Elizabeth/Eleanor Afton like ice cream?

5. Short answer: Please answer with a reason and short explanation:
Who do you believe Micheal Afton, Crying child, and Foxybro truly are?

If you are stuck here's an Example:

Example: (This is my AU) I believe that all three of the boys are separate people.

Micheal or Mike, was the eldest brother in the Afton family and cared for everyone. He was caring and loved his family. He considered himself the "Family Nanny", because he took care of everyone. Including his father after he died many deaths.

Foxybro was the son of one of William Afton's close friends and would occasionally stop by with his friends when his mother was working. He bullied Norman Afton (Crying Child) and was the cause of his death. Till this day he regrets what he did.

Norman Afton or "the Crying Child" was the middle child of the Afton family, or at least that was he considered himself to be. He was Eleanor Afton's (Elizabeth) twin brother and was one minute older than her. Norman was autistic, which made him a very emotional boy, which he was bullied for by "The FNAF 4 Tormentors", which were a group of four teenage boys.

Copy and paste this quiz to your fellow FNAF friends so they can enjoy it too!
Follow or Friend (or both!) on Roblox if you liked the quiz! I'm currently working on a quiz game that will ask these questions and even more!
My Roblox username is: xM1ch3alAft0nx
Anyways, thanks for answering and I hope you have a good night or day :D

26 answers

1. I would argue A however I'm willing to bet Glamrock Chica would say garbage.

2. B came first as the bite of 83 while Mangle's was 87 though fans still raise arguments on if Mangle did it despite Mangle making the most sense.

3. Yes. William and Henry sort of made fursonas with Spring Bonnie and Fredbear being able to have a person inside. That was not a necessary addition per say but the fact that William actually was using the suit when not needed says everything.

4. Yes, I think she used to since she did reach for it from Circus Baby though I doubt she would like it anymore since it would be tied with the negative memory of literally dying.

5. So I used to think all three were separate kind of like your theory but I currently believe Micheal and Foxybro are the same and that the incident helped motivate him into trying to make up for what happened and thats why he is doing all the stuff with trying to help free the spirits. I do think he regreted what happened up until he died in the end. I think that the crying child which most fans are now apparently calling Evan (though I'm not sure why yet) was the one to die of course and that he is one of the spirits possessing Golden Freddy / Fredbear.
I like your answers, and I agree that maybe Elizabeth wouldn't eat ice cream anymore due to the memory of dying. Thanks for participating! :D
Hii im trading a mega koala for a neon kangaroo (fair.) Go to adopt me trades and search up neon kangaroo if you don’t believe me! Tell me your username if you want to do it (I’ll try and be online tomorrow) Thanks and have a great day everyone! Bai! :D
Hi I’m trading a fr frost fury for a turtle or kangaroo + adds pls! So if u wanna do it add me! :)
Hi I’m trading a fr frost fury for a turtle or kangaroo + adds pls! So if u wanna do it add me! :) thx
I appreaciate the offer, but I don't play adopt me because of the amount of scammers, I trust you guys I just don't like the game.
But, if you'll give me your usernames I'll friend you and we can play a different game! It would be better with new friends! :D
(If you look at my profile I have a few favorites that we could play-)
1. I'd pick garbage, because I'm a fan of Glamrock Chica! She's one of favorite and I think I'd be dumb enough to copy her.

2. I think B because I feel it would just make sense.

3. That's a funny question, but i think no because it wouldn't be necessary to the game and I think Furries don't match up with Horror games.

4. I think Elizabeth used to like ice cream, because of her desire to get the ice cream from Circus Baby. I don't think it would make sense for her to like ice cream anymore because she died because of it, she'd probably be paranoid even.

5. I wasn't sure how to answer question 5 because of all the theorys and all the AUs that would all make sense(I don't have my own AU-).

The Quiz was fun, and I definitely will be there for your next one! (My username is Sablecat228)
Ok that’s fine! I traded my mega koala! And sure! Btw for anyone else, I’m trading a Dalmatian for 6-7 neon pets! (I think it’s worth about an arctic reindeer or albino monkey). so if anyone wants to do it, add me pls! Thanks! (Btw I’m Available on the weekends and holidays only until summer break! :)
And jiskha, stop banning or else I will report this site and tell my parents! Thanks!
And my teachers
Nvm I traded my Dalmatian for a albino monkey and adds. Can someone tell me if it was w/f/l?
Thanks! :D
Oops srry forgot to add my name lol
1:C (I think)
2: Crying child Getts bitten]
3:it does not make him a "furry" let alone an undead one, but he is still kind of and animatronic and human in one.
4.Uhh I mean I guess so? I'm pretty sure that's how she died
5: well for Michal and the crying child and foxbro well I'm not really sure i believe that crying child and Michal are not Willliam Afton's kids but his Step kids and William is a stepfather and the true father of then is really Henry Williams Friend? or partner i believe and foxbro? idk who that even is. These are my answers, and these were hard tbh so I hope I'm right!
i now fully read the quiz and just to say Foxy bro is Michal
My dad is too cool for the Aftons btw. ✌
Also, LOL William is an undead furry, that's my new nickname for him now.
Who want to play Roblox w/ me? my user is Pink_starbucksdrinky (don't mind it I made it as an alt)
Forgot to say tell me your user if u send me a request!
What happened to this being a homework site..?
we did
we are vary cool
we so cool

we so solos in solo serw