B = beauty has all these forms, depending upon the gender (masculine or feminine) and number (singular or plural)
beau, bel (masculine singular beginning with a vowel), belle / beaux, belles (plural)
A = age = jeune/jeunes, vieux, vieil, vieille, vieux, vieilles
N = number = nouveau, nouvel, nouvelle, nouveaux, nouvelles
G = gemder (sorry, but I never saw or heard of BANGS and NONBANGS!) but I'll give you the forms of the 2 adjectives you have there
bon, bonne, bons, bonnes
nouveau, nouvel, nouvelle, nouveaux, nouvelles
S = size = petit, petite, petits, petites
grand, grande, grands, grandes
Hopefully you had a model/example to follow or you have done something in class to prepare you for this exercise.
Let us know, s.v.p. if we are not telling you the right thing!
Sra (aka Mme)
Use different adjectives correctly and demonstrate understanding of gender and number changes -2 BANGS examples/2 Non-Bangs examples.
B-Beauty(Belle, Beau)
A-Age(Jeune, Vieux)
N-Number(Nouveau, Nouvelle)
G-Gender(Bon, Mauvais)
S-Size(Petit, Grande)
Im not really sure of what to do.
1 answer