Two projectiles are launched from the ground, and both reach the same vertical height. However, projectile B travels twice the horizontal distance as projectile A before hitting the ground.

a. How large is the vertical component of the initial velocity of projectile B compared with the vertical component of the initial velocity of projectile A?

b. How large is the horizontal component of the initial velocity of projectile B compared with the horizontal component of the initial velocity of projectile A?

c. Suppose projectile A is launched at an angle of 45 degrees to the horizontal. What is the ratio, VB/VA, of the speed of projectile B, VB, compared with the speed of projectile A, VA?

If they travel the same vertical height, they had to have had the same initial vertical velocity

If one traveled twice the horizontal distance in the same time as the other, it had to have twice the horizontal velocity.

Of Va= sqrt (Vv^2 + Vh^2, and Vb=sqrt( Vv^2 + (2Vh)^2) (see above), but at 45 deg, Vv^2=Vh^2,

when you take the ratio, it reduces. I will be happy to check your work.

4 answers

do you still need the computation for this one?.
I need to get the answer instantly