Two horse pull horizontally on ropes attached to a stump. The two forces f1 and f2 that they apply to the stump are such that the net(RESULTANT) force R has a magnitude equal to that of F and makes an angle of 90 with F1. Let F1=1300 N and R =1300 N also. Find the magnitude of F2 and its direction (relative to F1).

4 answers

<<the net(RESULTANT) force R has a magnitude equal to that of F>>

You never say what F is. I assume you mean F1.

For the situation you describe, F1, F2 and the resultant F form an equilateral triangle.
F1 and F2 are aimed 120 degrees apart, and, strung end-to-end, form an equilateral triangle with the third side as the resultant.
but what is the magnitude? Is it 120 degree and what direction?
Can u please break it down step by step the solution ?
Two horses pull horizontally on ropes attached to a stump. The two forces F1 and F2 that
they apply to the stump are such that the net (resultant) force R has a magnitude equal
to that of F1 and makes an angle of 90° with F1. Let F1 = 1300 N and R = 1300 N also. Find
the magnitude of F2 and its direction (relative to F1)