Full fathom five thy father lies;
Of his bones are coral made;
Those are pearls that were his eyes;
Nothing of him that doth fade
But doth suffer a sea change
Into something rich and strange.
Sea nymphs hourly ring his knell
Hark! Now I hear them—Ding-dong bell.
Definition of knell: funeral bell
Question 1 Part A: What has happened to the father in "Full Fathom Five"?
a) He has turned into a sea creature
b) He has been diving to explore the sea
c) His body has been turned into riches of the ocean
d) He has lost his children at sea
I think the answer is "c" because according to the poem he has drowned and probably died.
Question 1 Part B: Which line from the poem best supports your answer to the previous question?
a) Those are pearls that were his eyes
b) Nothing of him that doth fade
c) Sea nymphs hourly ring his knell
d) Hark! Now I hear them—Ding-dong bell.
I think the answer is "c" because a knell is a funeral bell, so I think that's the answer.
I don't know if I'm right
53 answers
You chose correctly for Question Part A.
"His body has been turned into riches of the ocean "
However, your Part B answer doesn't support it. Riches??
Answers c and c are both correct.
I can make a case for either A or C for the second question. This is where we have no idea which will be considered correct when you turn in the answer. I'd stick with A in this instance, but Writeacher is not wrong, nor are you.
Oh, okay.
Actually part be is A.
part b a
Part A=C
Part B=A
@Unknown is right i got a 7/7 on it!! and i can help you on the essay for #3. Onomatopoeia and alliteration The sounds of "Ding dong" is Onomatopoeia because it's imitating the sound of a bell. And "Full fathom five thy father lies" is alliteration. here ya go.
Can anyone help me with essay #8 I'm really stuck on it
That is all i came to this site for and nobody given me a hint.
@B.ailey it's about your independent reading what are you reading besides what's required. SO then compare and contrast or find the similarities and diffrences with what you have read seprate from whats required and what you read tht is required through out the lesson
Thanks @someone. I was confused since we only read poems throughout the unit.
just try
Unknown is 100% correct!
Correct answers:
Part A. C
Part B. A
2. D
3. Do it yourself (DIY)
4. B
5. B
6. D
7. A
8. Do it yourself (DIY)
You are all welcome have an amazing day!
Good luck I was homeschooled in 7th grade and I went through the same problem
Unknown is 100% correct!
Correct answers:
Part A. C
Part B. A
2. D
3. Do it yourself (DIY)
4. B
5. B
6. D
7. A
8. Do it yourself (DIY)
Thanks everyone!
this is not idiot proof xD
unknown i love u i get 100% everytime
Thank you!!!!!!! 😜😜😜😝🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑
Lol, Okay?? .▪°•`.♧.`~°•. ▪¤~°•
I Guess I Could Just go With The Answer That everybody is talking about =/ .•°▪☆.`* .☆▪•°.▪°○•.¤
Maybe.... Jk. ▪°○•.▪°○•.°•.~`◇.
Yeah He's right. ●▪•°.~°.,`°□.~☆
100% .°•♤◇`~.°▪¤•°.°`.▪☆•°~.`.
you guys are cheating '
@trust we are not cheating, we are checking our answers so we get good grades. So please keep your RUDE comments to your selves. (Ps the answers are 1a:C
1b:a 2:d 4:b 5:b 6:d 7:a)
Trust is right, we are cheating...
@Trust Some people are cheating, but most of us are not. Most people came here to check their answers, I'm pretty sure that's what this website is for.
Some people are. Personally, I check my answers using this website just so I don't get a terrible grade on something and if I get a few wrong, I do the problem/reread the question to see how I got it wrong and how to get the right answer.
Other people do cheat, but this site isn't meant for that. It's meant to help you, not to give you the answers
no dummys this website is for homework help but some yall helping on more than homework anyway its their choice so yall can shush about it and keep doing what yall do okrr
@trust so are you 🤗
some people come here to cheat i come to check my answers and share them to others so they can check their answers on a different page, because i like helping people out when they need. It unless they put can someone just post the answers because that usually means they want to cheat.
other than that have a good day and i was coming here to help someone but that's a little late because other people have already cheated, But if they get caught that's on them they are using the site inappropriately. : )
so i get up earlier to see if i can post on the page first plus if u are that desperate use ur book durrr!!!
Anonymous is rite this is what it is for its not for cheating it for helping but hey i did not know people cheat on here because did you know teachers can see your tests because when they look at your answers they can see where you got them from yes some kids lie but that is wrong though so lets not cheat on some answers ok.
lmao i love this person she need to teach me how to do that
copy and paste
Correct answers:
Part A. C
Part B. A
2. D
3. Do it yourself (DIY)
4. B
5. B
6. D
7. A
8. Do it yourself (DIY)
my name
hes right
Ur right
"Full Fathom Five"
by William Shakespeare
Full fathom five thy father lies;
Of his bones are coral made;
Those are pearls that were his eyes;
Nothing of him that doth fade
But doth suffer a sea change
Into something rich and strange.
Sea nymphs hourly ring his knell;
Hark! Now I hear them – Ding-dong bell.
Use the poem to answer the question.
In "Full Fathom Five," which two sound devices does the poet use? Support your answer with details from the beginning and end of the poem.
can sm give me an example of there writing???
YA YA YA 100% unknown was right and you guys didnt belive him huh. @trust this is not only cheating but this is copying and this is not idot approved btw.
Unknown is 100% correct!
Part A=C
Part B=A
3. The sound of "Ding Dong" is Onomatopoeia because it sounds like a bell and "Full Fathom Five Thy Father Lies" is Alliteration because the words sound alike.
8. Independent Reading: Pick a book you are reading or the list of books your teacher told you to read and pick one off the list.
y’all are on crack
The anti-savages disprove of this message ^^^
Thank you unknown and real answers they are correct!
Ok has any one here the new song by Jenna Davis summer of 19 if not look up Jenna Davis summer of 19 u really need to hear it one of the best songs I have heard in a long time if u wanna see more of her go to her u tube or her squad piper rockell her u tube is Jenna Davis look this kid she is 14 yd she is good
god is real you need to wake up
or suffer the pane
hey, do you have time to talk about our lord and savor Allah? -BOOM-
Its 5:57AM writing this...... I JUST got done with my homework. I hat this school.
real quick wot gr is this quiz?
Y'all have too much free time lol
What's with everyone being dumb on here? This is a homework site, not a promotion and spamming site .-. The mods need to delete the spam... if there ever are any mods
I just spent 30 mins reading all that just to get to the bottom lmao..... Btw thx for the answers your the best!!!!
Haha same
guys does someone know what the teacher means by selection on the last question cus it says “compare and contrast ur independent reading selection with one or two other selections u have read in this unit” and idk what it means
For number 3 is alliteration and onomatopoeia alliteration is in the part where it says Full comprehend five the father lies and onomatopoeia in ding-dong.Im not lying i figured it out your welcome.ps icy hot