This is my assignment:

Imagine you are babysitting your little brother.

Write a total of 5 Spanish sentences using tú commands telling your little brother what to do. Write 3 sentences using regular verbs. Write 2 sentences using irregular verbs.

You can use the examples below or create your own from the vocabulary and verbs lists. Don’t forget that 2 sentences must use irregular verbs. You must use the tú form of the command.

1. Clean your room!

2. Wash your hands!

3. Eat your vegetables!

4. Come here!

5. Be careful!

Be sure to use the tú command form of each verb.

I wrote:

4. Ven acá.
5. Ten cuidado.

Can anyone give me examples of what to write for 1 2 3 ?
Thank you

5 answers

Could anyone tell me if the is correct?

1. no te vayas en el patio ( Don't go in the yard)
2. no pongas el pastel
(Don't put the cake)
3. no salgas arriba (Don't go upstairs)
4.Ven acá!
5.Ten cuidada!
First of all you need to learn how to do tú (or familiar) commands, both affirmative and negative. Regular verbs look like the 3rd person singular in the affirmative (hablar = habla)(comer = come) (vivir = vive) BUT in the negative they use the Subjunctive, which is based on the "yo" form for most irregular verbs. (tener = ten but no tengas) (decir = di but no digas) (venir = ven but no vengas)

1. limpia tu dormitorio
2. (Reflexive verb) Lávate las manos.
3. Come tus legumbres.
4 and 5 are perfect.
For he ones below, 1-5
1. OK
2. this is not enough = don't put the cake WHERE? No pongas el pastel en el suelo. (on the floor)
3. salir means to exit, go out so that is not the verb. Venir is to go but subir is to go up = No subas arriba.
4. perfect!
5. perfect!

I'll flag this in case you have further questions and I'll come back later.
Thank you for your explanations.
Im still a little confused on number 3, Could I change it into
no salgas con tus amigos
Yes, of course you could!

Okay thank you i got 100%
I appreciate you help a lot!!