Think about all the selections you've read this far by European writers. Examine one element that the selections have in common, not including the fact that they are all European. Detail your findings.

23 answers

Please read over what you posted.

Do you understand why no one except you can do this assignment?
Potato to the rescue. Don't listen to the first comment.There will always be people to help you.
Writeacher is just too lazy to do work.
Unit 1 and 2 is about Literature from the Americas. Unit 4 and 5 is about Literature from Europe. First write an introduction with a position statement. Next write your body paragraph and cite text from both sections. Next write your conclusion where you conclude your findings.
Writeacher. See. Other people can also help. Don't be narrow minded. Have a good day.
You guys are right. I am lazy. I was awarded the laziest award so I sent someone to go pick it up for me.
Hope I don't get mashed potatoes for dinner.
I'm coming for you
See @Writeacher, that would have been funny if you'd read over what you posted. Your joke was whack
See, I gave my opinion and helped someone out.
Thanks ollie! that was really helpful!
can y’all post the damn answer like take one for the team
this comment section is WACK x 10
hey guys!

this prompt is basically asking you to think about all the stories you read this unit and find one common factor in them.

here are some common factors you can use: some stories are surrounded around politics or political movements such as war, some stories share the theme of struggle or conflict (external or internal), some poems share the tone of sorrow and yearning, and more (if you think of any).

make sure you use two or more selections in this answer as well as two or more quotes.

heres what your essay answer should look like:

I noticed most stories or poems in this unit share (common factor). “(Selection)” by (Author) and “(Second selection)” by (Second Author) both support (common factor). A quote for “(Selection)” that would support (common factor) would be on page (page #), “(Quote from selection)”. This quote explains (explain some context of quote and how it connect to common factor). A quote for “(Second selection)” that would support (common factor) would be on (page #), “(Quote from selection)”. This quote explains (explain context and how it connects). These stories or poems are similar to one another, as both share (common factor).

make sure to switch things up, don’t directly copy! ;D
thanks pogchamp very usefull sentence starters XD
Get me some lobster
Omg I'm having a panick attack right now becaus I didn't read any of the stories or do any of the lessons I've relied on brainly, quizlet and jiskha and I can't buy anything else or my parents will know I've been cheating PLEASE HELP ME! SOMEONE POST A WHOLE FREAKING ANSWER!!!!!!
pogchamp is the true MVP they helped out so much. For those that are still struggling I used the two story's “The Destructors” and “The Divine Comedy”. You don't even need to fully read the stories, just lightly skim them to get some good quotes.
What was the common theme between them Duck? Was it like war or something? So I know what type of quotes to look for
I’m going to give the answer I got, obviously change it up a bit and add more quotes to the first paragraph.

I noticed that most stores in this unit shared the theme of conflict. In the story “Poor Fish” the conflict that is represented is man v. self. He is so insecure about himself and feels inferior to others. When Ida falls in love with him he has a hard time thinking he is good enough for her and her love.

In “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”, there is man v. self conflict represented as well. In the poem the man is overthinking about the way he looks and how he will appear to others. He is overthinking about what others will say, “[How his hair is growing thin!” And “[But how his arms and legs are so thin!” prove that he is thinking about what others are going to say. Even though he is confident in other ways, such as his clothing, he is still self destructing over thing he cannot control.

These two stories have similar conflict and similar main characters. Both of them self destruct often and don’t believe they are good enough. Even though they seem to have pretty good lives, they still have anxiety.
peepee poopoo