Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Are you sure you understood what to do?
1. the dog is hungry. You selected, Jane, eat the dog! Depending upon the vocabulary of your textbook, you don't state if you are doing irregular tú commands, as well as affirmative. I would say "Feed the dog!" = Juana, da de comer al perro.
2. and 3. are good.
4. There must be a typo here: La alfombra está sucia OR Las alfombras están sucias. In any event, your answer is good.
5. Again, some sort of typo: Either "El carro está sucio" OR "Los carros están sucios." I suspect it is one car, and then your answer is good.
6. good
The directions are to use affirmative tu commands to fix the following:
1) el perro tiene hambre
2) hay mucha basura en la cocina
3) los platos estan sucios
4) la alfombra estan sucios
5) el coche estan sucios
6) hay polvo en las mesas
My answers are:
1) Juana, come al perro.
2) Adam, saca la basura.
3) Kayla, lava los platos.
4) Juanita, pasa la aspiradora.
5) Craig, lava el coche.
6) Ashley, quita el polvo.
2 answers
Thanks so much. Trying to learn Spanish by homeschool is difficult when the book does not give clear examples.