the current atomic model would be revised if

1)better microscopes were being used to study its structure.
2)better microscopes are invented in the future.
3)new information about an atoms structure is discovered.***
4) a new element is discovered in the future.

100 answers

looks good
Hey, I didn't do so good on the test and once my teacher is done grading it I feel it is going to be worse. So I decided to give you the correct answers so you don't have to fail like I did.I fell horrible a lot of the questions were about things I do not remember covering :(. Anyways I really hope this helps you. God bless!

This post was made March 1, 2018, at 6:27 PM PCT just to let you know.


PS: Question 17-25 have not been reviewed by my teacher yet. But once they are I will come back and give you the answers. Including the essay questions! So come back for them! Thank me later!
I think you were trying to do good but you are wrong.The answers are
The others I haven't got word back.So sorry.
Everything is correct, except number 3 is B and D
Thanks guys!
The answers for 17 through 23 are:
17. Electron
18. Atomic Model
19. Covalent Bond
20. It should be Chemical Bond, but there isn't one because there are 2 iconic bonds so contact your teacher
21. Energy Level, Orbital, or Shell
22. Atomic Theory
23. Atomic Number
I was wrong, apparently, iconic bond comes up twice.
Cheetahboy is correct, 3 is B and D. The same goes for Chomper and HobiHoe's answers.
Who's correct?
What bout 24 and 25?
Thanks all of you. It took forever to find all the answers on one page. I will give you a virtual hug.
What is 20? What is 24-25?
20 is iconic bond. and 24 and 25 are easy, you can do those yourself.
you should have learn the answer to both of them in 5 grade.
Also thanks to you guys this took me two whole hours to try and do and i would have got a F (and i went over the stuff like 5 times)
thanks guys i just got 2 rong thank you guys you are the best that is the best grade i have ever had in a while i am so happy thank you guys
Thank you, for helping each other out. If you would, please provide an answer to questions 24 & 25. Some would appreciate the answer. Have a lovely day! <3
what is number 21 and 22
its not cheating its helping
20 is ionic bond
Dont cheat! I am only helping you guys if you already did it and need to review!

1: C
2: B
3: B,D
4: C
5: D
6: D
7: B
8: C
9: A
10: D
11: A
12: A,D
13: C
14: A,C
15: B
16: B
17: electron
18: atomic model
19: covalent bond
20: iconic bond
21: energy level
22: atomic theory
23: atomic number

If you are cheating, shame on you! I got 100% on this because i studied! You should too! This is REVIEW ONLY!
lol u get mad when we cheat yet ur on a cheating website xD
24.photosynthesis is an example of a chemical reaction because new chemicals are formed by the process,and photosynthesis is also classified as endothermic because the process uses heat and light energy
# 15 isnt c. its b.
Thanks guys
But what is the answer for number 25?
player one you don't do 25 the teacher says in modification notes
3 is b and d
it is stable
it belongs to group 18
okay everyone, lets cut the we all know we are using the answers people post on sucks, so lets stop acting like we are not cheating because we ALL are.....I am very grateful that people post the answers here on lets all accept the fact that we are cheating.....okurrrrrr
As a CA teacher I will definitely be looking for these responses while I'm grading tests. You will receive a score of zero and an honor code violation. Do your own work everyone. This isn't helping you or anyone else out.
Lol wow yall just giving out the answers thanks teachers suck if your not a cheater which u are why are u here lol.
Answers at the bottom

MUST READ: If you guys are cheating, how will you guys do your CBA's/Oral assements??? You guys can't move on without proof you guys are learning, to get a life (job) you need a diploma, you can't get a diploma without learning anything. So STOP being lazy because you guys are truly smart, you just choose not to learn and cheat like idiots.
y'all r all mega stupids
just off yourself as soon as u hit 18
then u dont have to worry about getting a job
problemo solved
most of the people are checking their answers with this website, not cheating that’s why they’re asking. obviously they won’t copy it word for word they are just looking for fast checking techniques without spending hours on it, plus i doubt they are actually a CA teacher.
I used i care so i share's answers and got 3 wrong.
1 is C
6 is D
11 is A

everything else seems to be correct
Why don’t you guys stop complaining saying that we’re cheating because your on this website that means you searched the question to get answer so just stop your making your self look dumb
Just learn and do you own work read the lesson carefully and answers your answer carefully and you should be fine...
If you are using this app for answers you should not be here thins is only for help - Please don't cheat.
i think i have a bone to pick with lil ole mrs robinson XD, everyone just stop complaining, mind your own buisness and move on with your day lmao
aye my teacher told me to look up the answer if i didnt know the answer SO IM LITSENING TO THE TEACHER GOTTA PROBLEMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!
Anyone saying your not cheating, well simply put good for you. And those admitting you are then I say you're better than anyone who says their smart because you tell the truth and personly I value that more than someone Bragging about being intelligent. And yes I came here to cheat ;)
school does nothing for you its a waste of 20 years, imagine if you live to 100 and you waste a 1/5 of your life learning useless stuff and its not good because school gives stress and anxiety, they wonder why students have depression.
Can someone post the updated awnsers?
dude i have really bad grades and i swear this chANGED MY LIFE. my mom knows i use this, and she believes it's a great website for review. ive never looked up answers before i finish. i think helping others is amazing.
i love all of u (besides the crybabys)
I'd just like to say that unless you plan on pursuing a career that has to do with science, this will not effect you in any major way. Getting good grades on skills you'll never use will. You don't have to do science when you're older. A lot of school is useless knowledge. Why do I need to learn about Mesopotamia again? I don't plan on being an archaeologist. You can easily access that information from a couple taps. It's not as big a deal as people would have you believe. Live your life, don't obsess over school. You'll most likely regret it in the future. Of course, you should definitely learn SOME things. Math and reading are very important, and I suggest you put the brain power you're no longer using on information you don't need into those. It'll aid you late in life. That being said, thanks for the answers everyone.
Fax x
Bruh the only real important years of you're life is highschool that's when it most counts for grades middle school is blah
I never went to 1st,2nd,3rd,4th or 5th grade I only went to sixth and kindergarden. Im so confussed
How is that even possible "Bipper". I mean I get 1st and maybe 2nd but 3rd,4th, and 5th now im really confused.
Im an actual Connections Science teacher and i honestly dont care if you guys cheat. I couldn't care less! But, i know some of you will claim that im not a real teacher and that im a student trying to cheat but if you try doing a web mail and look under staffs i will be there and i was checking one of my students work and i found that she copied from here. So, overall im saying go head and cheat but its going to come back and bite you in the as*.
ms.olson :)

PS if youre my student and you cheat on our next LL say "hey nuggets" and i will send someone to webmail you tips on cheating
ok i checked and if i webmailed you cheating tips i would get fired sooo...just do it anyway and someone will reply "sup nuggets"
That’s 🧢 it’s a trap
Look up "what is school for" on youtube By prince EA
And just watch it. You can thank me later:)
Lmao y'all argue too much XD
dont mind me....just eating popcorn while reading some of this shii
me too hehe.
Ms. Olsen! DAM*!
Do any of you know the definition of help? Help is showing people how to do things, NOT giving them the answers without an explanation. I came here to HELP people and get some HELP myself. Not cheat!
To be honest I never cared about this fake online school
But I have to do it
I'll infect you cheaters!
The actual answers for all of you as of May 20th 2020 7:04 PM PST Time, (SC+ means I Care So I share is correct, SC- means I Care So I share is wrong CHP+ means Chomper is correct, CHP- means Chomper is wrong, DB+ means that Dream Big but don't cheat is correct, DB- means that Dream Big but don't cheat is wrong M- means I got it wrong M+ means I got it right, after each initial will display the answer they chose after ;) btw I followed I care so I share's answers and it didn't pan out as I expected)
1) C (M- ;B) (SC- ;B) (CHP+ ;C) (DB+ ;C)
2) B (M+ ;B) (SC+ ;B) (CHP+ ;B) (DB+ ;C)
3) B & D (M+ ;B&D) (SC+ ;B&D) (CHP+ ;B/CHP- ;C) (DB+ ;B&D)
4) C (M+ ;C) (SC+ ;C) (CHP+ ;C) (DB+ ;C)
5) D (M+ ;D) (SC+ ;D) (CHP+ ;D) (DB+ ;D)
6) D (M- ;B) (SC- ;B) (CHP+ ;D) (DB+ ;D)
7) B (M+ ;B) (SC+ ;B) (CHP+ ;B) (DB+ ;B)
8) C (M+ ;C) (SC+ ;C) (CHP+ ;C) (DB+ ;C)
9) Temporarily optional due to the question needing updating, but if you need an answer for after it is updated, then right now I would say the best answer is A but you can choose any for this limited time, but do not dislike if you get this question wrong. (SC+ ;A) (CHP+ ;A) (DB+ ;A)
10) D (M+ ;D) (SC+ ;D) (CHP+ ;D) (DM+ ;D)
11) A
12) A & D
13) C
14) A & C
15) B
16) B I ran out of time to tell you if who got it wrong or right, but for 11 I got it wrong but A is the right answer, I chose B instead, I will come back and tell you 17-23 after they are graded okay bye
9 is photosynthesis
My teacher said its more helpful to get the answers right by looking them up then get them wrong and getting a bad grade
1: C
2: B
3: B,D
4: C
5: D
6: D
7: B
8: C
9: A
10: D
11: A
12: A,D
13: C
14: A,C
15: B
16: B
17: electron
18: atomic model
19: covalent bond
20: iconic bond
21: energy level
22: atomic theory
23: atomic number
Hope this helps😁😜
guys ur not supposed to do #25. Its modified. the teacher said dont do it
Number nine is incorrect eek! It is not fossilization it is photosynthesis=D
You should use this as an review. If you at least try then look and you got answers wrong figure out why. And why do we have to bring our personal lives into this. This is basically like figuring out answers in a textbook a teacher gave you. If you want to fail then that's your fault. There are some people who never go to college yet are middle-class people. Like soldiers some never go to college. If people have a problem that they don't like maybe you should just walk away. Or not post anything. Then there are some really smart people who may just want check their answers. It's an online school so who will check your answers. Instead of teachers doing it, it is people who understand you helping you.
Here's an updated response. I hope this resolves the confusion. Use your text or Google search engine for #'s 24 and 25. Questions 17 - 23 have not been graded, but I researched and studied responses.

1. C: new information about an atoms structure is discovered
2. B: metal
3. B and D (B: it is stable AND, D: it belongs to Group 18)
4. C: no, the actual mass is 13.8 g
5. D: the milk has undergone a chemical change
6. D: 8Fe+S8 ----> 8FeS
7. B: photosynthesis
8. C: a person driving a car
9. D: photosynthesis
10. D: exothermic reactions
11. A: one
12. A and D (A: transition metals AND, D: group 4, period 6)
13. C: likely to form an ionic bond
14. A and C (A: K+1 AND, C: F-1)
15. B: Zn+2HCI ----> H2+ZnCI2
16. B: carbon isotopes
17. electron
18. atomic model
19. covalent bond
20. ionic bond (not iconic)
21. energy level, orbital, or shell
22. atomic theory
23. atomic number
Thnx tysm all of u
Ha im unbanned thankyoull jiskha
The answer for 9 is D not A for everyone who is looking at this, I used Chomper's answers and 9 Is D.
omg so who is right???
this is a cheating website. Answerkey and other people saying don't cheat, why are you here, because you wanted the answers just like everyone else. Stop lying. You are just trying to look good.
thx eek. you are correct, except for 9.
This comment section is shii
What about 25?
This is related to the stuff about how you shouldn't cheat. I personally, am completely aware that I'm cheating, but if I don't chest I'm going to fail because I got overwhelmed and started having major anxiety over school which lead to me not doing my work. Now, I'm trying not to fail when there's less than two weeks of this semester left. So yes, some of may just be cheating but other have actual reasons related to why their doing this, such as not failing. I'm sorry this is isn't the answer to questions 25, but hey, thanks for the help everyone
ok so let me get this right if we are cheating how in the world did you find this and if you did you must have wanted to cheat bc you hopped on all fancy Nancy and don't even know that we review on here not cheat so stop assuming and get the dam work done
alrightttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt sooooooooooo this just ranting now?
Ok cheating is bad and we're cheating rn so what's the problem... I am smart and I could do this if I wanted to, but I can't afford my grades to slip up. Sure after I'm finished I go back to learn anything I didn't understand bc there's no longer any more pressure. School's all about a report card at the end of the day yk, to parents at least. I suggest yall use khan academy or ixl.
Chomper and HobiHoe, thank you so much!!!! I cant even describe how thankful I am for you guys. I've really been struggling with this subject and I really appreciate you guys helping us. You could've just passed your test and moved on but you decided to post your answers on this site and help other students. thank you so much guys!
1.9.1 - Test: Chemical Reactions Unit Test
Science 8 B - <teacher name> / 1. Chemical Reactions / 1.9. Chemical Reactions Unit Test

2021 answers:

Question 1. C. new information about an atom’s structure is discovered.
Question 2. B. metal
Question 3. B. It is stable. & D. It belongs to Group 18.
Question 4. C. No, the actual mass is 13.8 g.
Question 5. D. The milk has undergone a chemical change.
Question 6. D. 8Fe + S8right arrow 8FeS
Question 7. B. photosynthesis
Question 8. C. a person driving a car
Question 9. D. photosynthesis
Question 10. D. Exothermic Reactions
Question 11. A. one
Question 12. A. transition metals & D. Group 4, Period 6
Question 13. C. likely to form an ionic bond.
Question 14. A. K+1 & C. F–1
Question 15. B. Zn + 2HCl right arrow H2 + ZnCl2
Question 16. B. Carbon Isotopes
Question 17. electron
Question 18. atomic model
Question 19. covalent bond
Question 20. ionic bond
Question 21. energy level, orbital, or shell
Question 22. atomic theory
Question 23. atomic number

HOW TO DO 24 AND 25!!
1. Copy and paste the question into your browser.
2. Copy the answer that it gives you and then look up a website that rephrases your text.
3. Paste the answer that you got from your browser in #1 in the website you found from #2
4. Go over the final statement you got from this and reword things that should be different in your opinion. Make it sound like you!
5. Paste your final draft onto the text box in your text and you've finished!

(Examples on how to do this)
<Question 24> Why is photosynthesis an example of a chemical reaction, and why is it classified as endothermic?
fw it to any search engine such as Google or Yahoo!
you should get this at the top of the page:

"Photosynthesis turns carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and carbohydrates, therefore a chemical change occurs. It is also an endothermic reaction, because, energy needs to be inputted in order for photosynthesis to occur. The energy input is then stored in the bonds of the glucose that were formed as a result of photosynthesis.

Why is photosynthesis an example of a chemical reaction ..."

Don't copy the link, just copy the answer and go to a website that rephrases your text such as Ginger or SEOToolsCentre.

After you rephrase your text make sure it sounds normal to you.

(If it still looks a bit sus I suggest rephrasing one sentence at a time then changing up words to your liking.)

<3 Enjoy,
yall kids are so funny do the best u can and you will go many places.
Dream Big, but dont cheat! if you got 100% THEN YOU CHEATED AND THEN YOU STARTED SAY WE ARE CHEATING LOL
Ya Dream Big, but don't cheat! You cheated but then you are telling us we can't SHAME on you. And why are you even on this website if aren't cheating huh. How RUDE!
damn thanks connexus kid
I assume people are using this as a way to catch up some people fall behind, cheating IS bad but I see this as a way of help and even a tutoring site...
thank you sosoooooso much to everyone who responded!!! :DD
Photosynthesis is known as an endothermic mechanism because it uses heat and light energy to create new chemicals.
Guys, I got a few wrong but I believe it is because I might have put em' in wrong.
Check out my Wattpad- Aesthetic-Rosesss
Love you hon! <3
OK guys I think we need to claim down before this website get cut down and also I come here to make sure I get the correct answers and sometimes cheat but I do it so this way I can learn and see what I got wrong.
yeah man, I like your username
24: Photosynthesis is an example of a chemical reaction because it is a process in which carbon dioxide and water are combined to form glucose and oxygen.

25: Its the carbon from cars and fossil fuels powering the electric turbines, carbon goes up into the atmosphere and doesn't allow heat to escape from earth. the ending result in that is the earth gets hotter.

have a great day and stop ranting its annoying
Hey guys please remember that you don’t know what people are going thru so before you judge the people who are cheating take a moment to consider that they may be going through a hard time or are having issues focusing/understanding. I’m just here to review my written answers to see if I got them right cause my teacher takes a long time to review them but I have anxiety, depression, adhd so in the past and even now I have an extremely hard time getting out of bed to do school, focusing on my work, and feel very anxious while doing my work and not doing my work so I feel crappy wether I’m doing my work or not and it’s just a cycle that fuels itself. Most people who cheat don’t do it because they are lazy, they often do it because something is preventing them from doing it themselves or they are in a situation where they can’t get the answers wrong. I’m not saying cheating is right but sometimes it is people’s only option. Please be kind and don’t assume things:)
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