Teen Pregnancy

• Create a full-sentence outline that includes effective arguments and counterarguments to
support your thesis. (Note: Outline only the body of your paper.) Remember to avoid bias
and fallacies and to include rhetorical devices that strengthen your writing.
• Answer the following: Where did you place the most effective arguments in your paper?
Explain your reasoning. How did you address counterarguments without weakening your
own premise?

4 answers

Kandi, we do not do your homework for you. After you have written your outline we will be happy to make suggestions for improvement.
Teen Pregnancy
At this point and time Teen Pregnancy is at its highest rates right now, Teen Pregnancy is one of the worlds most talked about subject. Once an underage girl gets her menstrual cycle around the age of 13-17 her body starts to go through many changes. Once a underage girl gets her period her body goes through changes like: she starts to gain weight, grow more cleavage, and her voice starts to change. Young mothers who are from the ages of 15-19 years old who are going through pregnancy are considered “High Risk”. Young mothers are considered “High Risk” because their bodies aren’t ready for the big changes expected during pregnancy. During pregnancy a young mother can count on a weight gain up to 25 to 40 pounds. I personally feel that if a lot of young teenagers were coached about having intercourse and the consequences of their actions then a lot of young teenage girls wouldn’t make this mistake and the pregnancy rate for young teenage girls would decrease. Since Teen Pregnancy is one of the world’s most talked about topics, to decrease teen pregnancy there has been many attempts. There have been many attempts like to uncover the studies, sexual education in school that allows the student to take a brief survey and campaigns to figure out what is the reason for this issue to decrease. Where did I place the most effective arguments in my paper? I place my most effective argument in my paper in the middle because I figure once my reader read my full-sentence outline the first paragraph needed to explain how I felt about Teen Pregnancy and the middle paragraph needed to be an argument how teen pregnancy is developed. How did I address counterarguments without weakening my own premise, I address counterarguments without weakening my own premise by avoid using certain types of words not saying what my own opinion is on the subject.
Can someone please help me come up with an effective arguments and counterarguments?
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