A is heading angle west of north
Wind is taking us NE at 70
North speed over ground = 100 cos A + 70 cos 45
West speed over ground = 100 sin A - 70 cos 45
if we are making a course made good of north, west speed is 0
sin A = (70 /100)cos 45
A = 29.7 degrees west of North
Now for speed made good north calculate
100 cos 29.7 + 70 sin 45
Suppose an airplane is flying in air with a speed of u=100m/s . The wind is from the south west with a velocity of v= 70m/s
what direction should the airplane head in order to fly directly north ( with respect to the ground)? Give the angle in degrees of west of north
what is the plane's speed as measured by a bystander on the ground
4 answers
by the way I unintentionally used the fact the sin 45 = cos 45 = sqrt2/2
where did the 45 come from ?
wind is from SW
That means it is pushing you NE
NE is 45 degrees east of north (halfway between north which is 0 and east which is 90)
That means it is pushing you NE
NE is 45 degrees east of north (halfway between north which is 0 and east which is 90)