Sorry If I am botherthing you again, But I have another assignment:

You're visiting a botanical garden. As you enter the gate, you read the sign. Fill in the missing verbs:

1. (pagar)----------la entrada en la caja
= pagues

2.(entrar)No ---------sin pagar!
= entres

3. (mirar)---------las flores!
= mires

4. (tocar) No----------las flores!
= Toques

Several friends are helping you set up for a party. Tell them what to do.(note: this exercise was kinda confusing to me, but I tried my best):

1. (colgar) Ricardo,----------los globos ahi!
= Colges

2.(poner) Gladys.---------- los refrescos en esa mesa!
= pones

3.(traer) Estela, no---------el pastel ahora!

4.(prepares) Mirta,---------la limonada ahora!
= prepares

5.(ayudar) Mirta, --------a Arturo con las decoraciones!
= ayudes

3 answers

As usual, my eyes will not stand scanning up and then down and then up again, etc. So I am printing them out and then I can explain it better to you.

No bother, especially when you begin to understand and do it perfectly, like te one you posted just before this one!

The instructions said that you're visiting a botanical garden. If you see the sign at the gate, it will NOT be a tú/familiar command. They often are written in the infinitive form = easy! (Pagar) OR since they don't know the person reading it, the usted or formal command = PAGUE for #1

#2 same reason as above. (NO ENTRE)

#3 same reason as above. (MIRE)

#4 negative usted/formal command = NO TOQUE

Part II. Now you are speaking to FRIENDS. Since that could be plural, and you don't use "vosotros/vosotras" you would have to use ustedes/formal plural. However, in front of the comma (,) is the one person to whom you are speaking, so that will be a tú/familiar command, either affirmative as #1, #2 or negative, as #3.

1. (stem-changing verb o--->ue) CUELGA

2. (irregular command) = PON

3. (only "yo" form as a different stem) = TRAE



Here is what you need to know. The affirmative regular tú/familiar command, looks EXACTLY like the 3rd person singular of the Present Tense. Look at the punctuation to see if it a statement OR a command.

María trae la comida. = Mary brings food. (this is simply a statement)

María, trae la comida. = Mary, bring the food. (this is a command)

First of all, I hope you understand where you went wrong.

Then I hope you have MANY more to do so we can be sure you DO understand the concept!

Thanks for your help. I'm pretty confident that I can do the others correctly now. Thanks again.