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Questions and answers by
SraJMcGi n
Answers (24)
Several choices: 1. wins / becomes 2. were to win / would become I like #2 best. Sra
#5: involving in the population-based = being involved in... ¡®Given the rarity = get rid of strange marks may be offered = may be offered, onsidered¡ = ! get by involving in the study,= nvolving themselves... #6: Population based = Population-based Sra
#4: volunteering to the study = volunteering in the study Steve¡¯s future = Steve's Steve¡¯s = Steve's genetic primary care physicians OR primary-care counsellors, = counselors (When this proofreading is finished, you might like to repost with all the
participant¡¯s personal = participant's shouldn¡¯t = shouldn't (if you can't do the contractions, type it out = should not) ¡®established guidelines¡¦ = delete the strange marks and also after system Before hand,= one word = Beforehand, set up
#2: that Steve¡¯s information = Steve's (perhaps it's the software program giving you these strange marks, or your not hitting the correct key) one¡¯s right = one's right commercialisation.= commercialization ¡®Marketing = Marketing. AND the end
which is, passed = no comma = which is passed ¡®gene = strange mark and at the end of the sentence is an upside-down question mark. (Spanish) population based = hyphen when it's used as an adjective = population-based is considering to be involved, =
We can not help you until you post the questions here. Sra
¡excelente! ¡olé! The only correction is to not capitalize "Dan" and just write "dan." Sra
As usual, my eyes will not stand scanning up and then down and then up again, etc. So I am printing them out and then I can explain it better to you. Sra
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. A good French--->English/English--->French dictionary is invaluable. depuis = can be an adverb meaning "since" or a preposition meaning "since, for.) It is used in expressions such as "I have been in
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. It means BOTH sides absolutely agree. (Definitely vs. definitely) OR there is "harmony of opinion." Sra
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. The "would" is usually the condtional = je mangerais (for regular verbs it is the same stem as the future, in this case, the entire infinitive plus the endings of the imparfait (-ais, -ais, -ait, -ions,
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. It is a. parasite. One of the definitions of the word "parasite" is: something that resembles a biological parasite in dependence on something else for existence or support without making a useful or
Thank you both for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. The only change would be that J amie was given "du sport" so "du sport." the only difference is some sport vs. some sports. Mme
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help forum. You are actually talking of 3 modes (moods). Future of -ar, -er and -ir verbs that regular. Take the entire infinitive and add the following endings: é, ás, á, emos, án. hablar = hablaré, hablarás,
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Relative humidity can be measured with a hygrometer (Fig. 2) or a psychrometer.
Thank you all for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Here are the verbs of DrMrsVandertramp: D = devenir r = rentrer M = mourir r = rester s = sortir V = venir a = arriver n = naître d = descendre e = entrer r = revenir t = tomber r = rentrer a = aller
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Just entitling this HELP may get you no answer. Try the heading of MATH if that is what this is, and a math person is more likely to read it.
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. This is doing the same thing you have been doing! Decide if you want the tú (familiar) command or the formal Ud. Now, look up the main verbs in a good English--->Spanish/Spanish--->English dictionary. to
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. You "just" caught me as I was ready to shut down! 1. et seule (if you a re feminine) Add another "de ma famille." 2. instead of "ainsi = thus" just "si" Watch ALL adjectives if they refer to you and you
Aha! Here you go then: 1. How will you feel (future) in the dungeon? Whom or what will you miss most? 2. Will you want to escape from your dungeon? Usually students want to go from English to French; sorry it never occured to me that you wanted to go from
!1 = delete "d'" = choisirai avoir..... #2 pour prendre contact avec..... #3 Une baignoire pour prendre une !@#$%^& chaque jour. SIMPLIFY what you are trying to say if it becomes cumbersome. Translating LITERALLY (or word for word) often does not flow
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Actually I gave you an "in depth" lesson on both the Single-Object Pronoun and then the Double-Object Pronoun. Did you study them? I wa w aiting for question you might have, but didn't see any.
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. There are 4 ways to ask a question. The first sentence, however, requires inversion of the subject and the verb. Word order for a declarative sentence is = subject + verb But the word order for a question