160 answers

You have identified three effects. Read lots:
No answer. O tlwaetxe go copper o dia keng
ways that the human rights violation influences on individuals,group and broader south african community
1.its because of we do not love each other like if ever u came in a poor family you are nothing to others 2. Many people take advantage to other inmeans of discrimnation
1.Orata dilo
2.ere kelo botxa nyana
3. ke tla gobotxa
4.tomorrow my dear
By nt tkng care of other ppl
write an paragraph in which you put concluding argument around your human rights violation
It makes the country not be in peace
Critically discuss six human rights violation or discrimination influence individual,groups and the broader south african community
1 its makes them angry because they get to lose their belongings
some people jelous other because they think that if u help a poor people they can benefit from them
yes?because they don' t want to see people have beautiful thing or make beautiful thing.they want people to be poor forever not to help them
It makes problem to those whom their rights a being violated and they loose self confidence and makes them think negatively.
No guys plz help with answer not wat u r doing and let's help each other plz plz plz
ah guys answerz plz.this activity is very very challenging.answ**z tuu....
You can contact me for answers. Just finished my project.. Feeling quite confident. ☺
Some people get low self esteem
Guys hardy i realy don't know im black perhaps u can google memorundum
violation of human rights makes southvafrica as a whole to lose confidence towards theirv leaders and sometimes fail to follow rulesvof the couuntry
Y guys ur so rude whiles we as learners we r searching for the answers , wena o re rogago dnt think gore ga re akgone maroga , nna ke wa ga maroga #dats ma surname .
They find themselves in big dipression
guyz let's take things Cruz and help each other plzzz,coz la tseba this Activity toughy
1 human rights violation influences individuals in the sense that if one has his or her rights violated the person will nolonger having that freedom she ought to have,it affects the person emotionally and morally where as the person will be living a caged life and will be fearing to speak out...
Rekopa di answer for di human rights violations plz
Guys refeng di answer for di human rights violation plZ
plz help me am blank a ke boni selo plz guys
They suffer emotionaly and become loose interest
eix guys u a acting selfish,acting like a new born baby,we are sicking 4help u know lenagana okare u will always know de answers and 1day etlaba wena and otla hwetxa o kgapha lemila le letala keago botxa. out!!
Help out guys
they become uncertain, hopeless, careless and even lonely because of the pressure
1 guyz help yoh if is their anyone who have ideas
i thnk dey can no longer involve themselves in the issues of the country because they are also not given a chance to express their views...
Save ur data n shut if u don't know the answer.
It makes the world aware of what's busy happening in South Africa. Awareness create a bad "attitude" against us. The people in South Africa gets embarrassed of high crime rates, high violation rates. Then we as South Africans turn on one another and can't work as one. It creates tension. Unresolved tension creates strikes and yet again leads to nothing..
Hope it helps!!
six suggestion on how to combat the violation of human rights identified and indicate any organisation and how they combat the human rights violation or discrimination... plz hep me to answer this question
Answer guys ke bona spoko
lets help each other hle😜
Critically discuss six ways in which the human rights ...
Answer guys plz
Lol le nna ke batlana le tsona
They become uncertain hopeless,careles and even lonely becouse of the pressure
Hlp plz
Lagafa renyaka di answer
Make six suggestion on how to combat the violations of human rights
Let's help each other plzzz
It makes them to suffer semoyeng le physically nd kill others because of jealousy
can you please help me
Human rights violatio... make life to be hectic to some other people becoz they lose hope n trust
It makes them not to feel uncomfortable and it sometime depresses them where they can't feel free
# [google] if u change the question and u ask it in ur own way u wl find answers. #e.g the human rights violations influence individual, groups and some communities in s.a. . . . # u wl fnd answerz.. . . . . .
they suffer spiritually that makes them to kill their self
eix guys mamlambo o temitxi kgopela le nyakixeng yena reward ke R2000
Guys y Mara am so desperate I nid answers
make six sggstion on how to combat........plc dis hlee
human rights-these are the rights that we all have simply because we are human being
it can. lead to poverty and some people will fail to express their feelings bcos they feel in such a way that they do not belong to the group....
it is dependant om the type of violations u hv chosen..for instance if u hv gone with xenophobia which violates the rights of migrants can thus say it can tyk a toll on the hysical well-being as it involves violence..can cause death of econoic players resultn in poorer communities it disrupts family life can cause post traumatic stress disorder
>it makes individual to become emotionally and physically
>Individual lose interest in the issue of the country because they denied the opportyunity to speak their minds
>It makes country not to be in peace and good releationship
>It makes problems to those whom their rights sre being violated and they loose self esteem and confidence.
>Some other whom have loss selfesteem become violated from their opportunities and strengh
>It makes S.A as whole to lose confidence towards their leaders and sometimes fails to follow rule
>#0723383310 for more information
NB:Girls only should contact me
they lose interest in the issue of the country
Guys plz... Help us no one is perfect so do like wise
Unable to communicate either because of language barriers or disabilities
Ithink that they lose interest in coming over S.A as their ryt to freedom of speech is being violated cuz they are not given a chance to speak their minds n they are not given the ryt to freedom as they are not allowed to broad over cyz of their race n religions
The consequences of repression & resistance include the physical toll taken by torture & other forms of severe ill treatment
No need to ask xomixang menagano ya lena
le rato kopa man ,te naganeleng and stop using tech in a wrong manner
They Don't Live Happlily Anymore In Their Country
plz guys help me
Come up with the answers
Eix I nid the same answer plzz guyz hlp
Think an stop being so lazy
meridian pi dyjgsrfygyhdtgfihibduxr
I dnt knw the answer
guys lets help others...if sm of us got answers jst post dem so that some of us can get help....LET US USE THE SPIRIT OF UBUNTU...PLZZZ GUYS
people losses confidence in their political leaders and start doing their own thing
human rights violation makes political leaders look irresponsible ,which is the truth coz they are putting no efforts to this issue and that makes citizens feel neglected and losses interest in any political events that takes place in our country including votings
Mmmh i got answers thank you very much yhooo
Lose interest
Lols guys ani lichi Uri lwalela narifha answers. makes individuals that are victims of haman rights violation to lose direction towards their future bcz they already have low self esteem
one will feel uncomfortable ....and has .no dignity infront of his /her colleagues
The people. Who are busy commenting. Negative. Things here are the ones who

other people's rights because.they are. Not serous about what there.lives
it makes dem to lose courage n dey wil no longer b fri 2 spik deir minds of
Six suggestion on how to combat the violations of human rights makes individual to become emotionally
for more infor plz contact 0722909126
Never let go when you are violated. challenge your violation at court. never violate others. protect the rights of others. be right and stay upright
this it put or result people's life in danger because of insufficient of natural resource
nna i think guyz its bcos of the discrimination that people hv against us as they treat other people unfairly and can't even help them with anything even though they are poor and face unemployment due to the race,religion,group and language and that cause a lot of violance.........
Answer plz
They were just mentioned on the launch of eff manifesto
It makes individual to become emotionaly and physically 2.low self esteem
1.oow the point Is that once uve been violented then you'll undermine yourself n thots, n dat case u may not be able to participate in any activity weada at skul or de society....
2.Then to the community as a whole...people tend to feel isolated and ada ways the whole country have then build a bad reputation
they loose self esteem
i think it influences them in a way that makes them 2 lose interest in voting n other political related thing because once ur rights has been violated u lose self confidence n other self based stuff
Kgothatso inyvt me ko whatsapp 0720850170.

The other way of influence is that they will take law from there hands which will take us to apartheid era
guys this activity is challenging yooh spending 4hours on it jhooh help us plz ��u can even give us memo if u have it
come on plz
I am also struggling with this activity but how can the department be so cruel #combela
thuso I have already spent more than one day on this #ndoneta
This influences other countries to withdraw from helping the Broader South African Community in natural resources that will help to create more Jobs and to develop the country.
Guys pls help us hle!!!
Stop being selfish...
write a paragraph in which you put your concluding argument around your chosen topic

help a sister out guys
our life will not longer be no more
guys plz be crz .....nd giv us the answers....
Guys I think we should be helping one another this task it's very challenging help pls
This is coused by our lyf style
1. It makes those who had been violated to Isolate themselves from people and feel less important like the country does not value their existence.
2. It creates division within the citizens of South Africa.

i think they are enough guyz
1.botsisa mmago
2.otsela kqng sekolo kgane?
3.o swaregile kgane?
4.voetsek kgane ale kele

by mchoxman
Guys dis project e nale swele shame a re thuxaneng hle nd if gao interested pls o skaba wa answer
eish guys this project is difficult.lets aid each other pls.
Guys am in deep trouble pls hlp
makes dem angry bcZ dey gt to lose their blngs
Help plz
use your brains guys.. You all know the answer, its just that devil is a liar. Unique T (lol)
yayee! Le skatlo re phaphela lena we nid help so lena le bolela masepa! Mareteng lea bogwa nyomabeng ke lena
it makes the country as a whole 2 nt be in peace
Ah! nna ke a ngala . The prsn o a dirileng dis project he or she was high dimethile blind...
Txo guys plz help us dis project is like a pain in the neck tjrrrr
It makes people to be insecure, to look down on themselves and also to make them feel as if life is not worth living.
For more information contact:0782418656
Help!Any1 with something?
some people will be jelous to other because they will think that if they help a poor people they can benefit from them
Di mpsa re nyaka di karabo nt masepa a le bolelao moo voetsek go 2 hell
guys stop what you are doing,if you know that you are like an empty tin e no gomola plz...
it influences individuals in the way that they will lose hope in sa leaders
Nthuxeng hle.ape a ke tsebe selo bafeth
makes people to feel discouraged ,lead to strike and may cause conflict between people in that community and including perpetrator.
They don't want to help other people
It creates division within de country of SA
Plz guys we need help .
They get trapped in poverty and wars because they are not allowed to move from one place to another as their right to freedom of movement is being violated
Guys if o nale memorandam plz help
Pple lose interest
If u need more info contact or watsapp me on0715724226
NB girls only plzzz
If modimo agofile bohlale osabatlo thuxa others den otlobotxiya afa batho bago kgona go thuxa ba bangwe..poor ppl la bhora
This can separate the relationship between b.s.a and lead To conflict
Guys we are cpng cuz we dnt answrs so tlogelang o solasola
mesono le gana le dikarabo
help plz
Thanx god 2 those tried god save u
It create tension within a country and one can suffer emotionally or phycically
Thnx to those who tried.aowa gape progect e ya phiyatla txo
N.2 an answers

a bank refuse you a loan becouse of you are jewish.

a woman is not allowed to participate at school choir due to different traditional practice.

hope it help.
it makes each other not be in peace
It makes our country not being in peace and those who are violated they loose interest in the issue of the country .
The guys
I think it may lead to low self-esteem and people may be afraid to speak out their minds
Thanks tebogo maredi for the answers love you
Ppl may be afraid to visit out country
To proctet the human rights to ensure that people receive some degree of decent human right in other hand is deny peoples thoughts
People loose hope and get trapped into wars and economic meltdown.
How do you view the role of organisation/ initiatives that seek to be discourage human rights violation discrimination in South Africa?
Thanks guys.
thnx to those who tried......thank u vry much
ways in which human rights violations influence individuals, and the broader south Africa
Some people will not feel loved and end up having depression,
People can start to hate each other....people will learn nothing from each other...
1 ; every one who is affected they loss self-confident and became angry with their life 2 their suffer emotionally or physically cs their mind have being affected and their charge their life
Please guyz ,give us the answers this activity is very important 😕
Y'all will pass with flying colours!
human rights aren't actual rights