siel: Iemand se siel uittrek. Iemand terg. * Take the mickey out of someone.

Siel is hier gelyk aan geduld, en dit beteken dus dat iemand se geduld op die proef gestel word.
sien: Sien kom klaar. Op die een of ander manier sonder iets klaarkom. *Have to do without.
sit: Van sit en staan, kom niks gedaan. 'n Mens rig niks uit as jy die taak nie ernstig aanpak nie. *Standing around won't finish the job.
skeel: Dit kan my nie skeel nie. Ek gee nie om nie. *I couldn't worry. +I don't worry.
skiet: Tekort (of te kort) skiet. Te min hê. +Ontoereikend wees. Fall short. In short of.
skoen: Die stoute skoene aantrek. Iets aandurf. *Pluck up the courage.
Iets gewaagds doen nadat jy eers geaarsel het; jou dus verstout om dit uit te voer.
skoolgeld: Baie skoolgeld betaal. Deur dure ondervinding baie leer. *Pay for one's experience, learn to one's cost.
skrik: Iemand die skrik op die lyf jaag. Iemand bang maak. Frighten someone out of his/her wits.
skroef: Daar is 'n skroef los. Daar is iets verkeerd. *There is a screw loose.
slaap: Deur die slaap wees. Nie heeltemal wakker wees nie. *Be half asleep.
slim: Slim vang sy baas. 'n Mens kan jou vasloop as jy te slim probeer wees. *Be too clever by half.
smaak: Goeie smaak hê. ‘n Ontwikkelde kunsgevoel hê. *Have good taste
Translate afrikaans words in english

1 answer

Here are the translations of the Afrikaans words and phrases into English:

  1. siel: To pull someone's soul out. This means to test someone's patience. Take the mickey out of someone.
  2. sien: To get by without something. Have to do without.
  3. sit: From sitting and standing, nothing gets done. This means that one won't accomplish anything if the task isn't taken seriously. Standing around won't finish the job.
  4. skeel: I couldn’t care less. I couldn't worry. / I don't worry.
  5. skiet: To fall short. Means to have too little or to be inadequate. Fall short. In short of.
  6. skoen: To don the naughty shoes. To dare to do something, to pluck up the courage. This refers to doing something daring after hesitating.
  7. skoolgeld: To pay a lot in school fees, meaning to learn through expensive experience. Pay for one's experience, learn to one's cost.
  8. skrik: To frighten someone out of their wits. Frighten someone out of his/her wits.
  9. skroef: There is a screw loose. This means that something is wrong. There is a screw loose.
  10. slaap: To be half asleep. Be half asleep.
  11. slim: To be too clever by half. This means that one can get caught out if they try to be too clever. Be too clever by half.
  12. smaak: To have good taste, meaning to have a developed sense of art. Have good taste.
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