I just dis that.
6 1/4 %
San francisco's bay area rapid transit transit sells $48 tickets at a discount price of $45. what is the percent discount?
6 answers
100 (48-45)/48
6.25% because 48/100=.48, and then multiply .48 to get to the amount of the discount which is .48*93.75=45 and because you need to find the difference u subtract 93.75% from 100% and that is 6.25%
Yes Ester, but 100 (3/48) = 6.35% quicker :)
I mean 6.25%
45/48 = 0.9375 = 93.75% paid.
Discount = 100 - 93.75 = 6.25%.
Discount = 100 - 93.75 = 6.25%.