Ringo loves playing rock and roll music at high volume. Luciano loves opera and hates rock and roll. Unfortunately, they are next-door neighbors in an apartment building with paper-thin wall.
What is the externality here?
3 answers
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help forum. Do you mean the "noise pollution?" Why not suggest that both neighbors get earphones or that the neighbor being annoyed get ear plugs?
I do not understand your response.
The question was regarding externalities.
I understand the noise is the externality. What I am not sure about if both parties causing the externality, since once likes rock and roll and the other opera.
The question was regarding externalities.
I understand the noise is the externality. What I am not sure about if both parties causing the externality, since once likes rock and roll and the other opera.
Yes, BOTH parties are contributing to the problem. My response included a possible solution because BOTH parties are undoubtedly disturbing other tenants.