Please look over my report and let me know if their are any mistakes and if it is a good one. THanx

Abraham Lincon was born in 1809. He was the 16th president. He was a good and nice president. He led us through a big,bad,and super scary war. He had four kids. He was married for 11 years. He was alway kind. People like him a lot. Abe cut down a tree. He died later in 1865!

4 answers

3 mistakes but if you'd like to make your paragraph more sophisticated, take some of the simple sentences and combine them.

Example: He was always kind and people liked him a lot.

The mistakes are: space after each comma in " big, bad, and super scary war."
He was always kind. (always has an "s")
People liked him a lot. (he is no longer living, although they could still like him!

It's spelled Abraham Lincoln also.
Do you think my report will be long enough? Mabye I can try to split it off into five paragraphs. Thank you for the advice. I am going to enter it in a writing contest because it is awsome and I am going to publish a book some day. It will be called 'Fun With Old Paint'!!!
Please give me you complete and honest opppinion about it because being able to face people is one of the key things needed to become an author.
You only seem to have one paragraph shown. It is too short to split into 5 paragraphs, unless you add many more details.

You need to explain why cutting down a tree is important enough to be included in describing his life. (It's not like Washington's cutting down the cherry tree and not lying about what he had done.)

"Later" can be deleted. Dying is always the last thing we will do.

If you do 5 paragraphs, you might want to divide the paragraphs into (1) introduction, (2) Lincoln's presidency related to the Civil War, states rights and slavery, (This might take more than one paragraph.) (3) his family life, possibly including his frequent depressions, and finally, your summary.

In any writing, you need to take the "picture" you have in your head and describe it in words to make it likely that others will see a similar picture from what you have written.

Value words (e.g., bad, scary, like, good, nice) do not generate specific images. Wars are always "scary." Why is this war "super scary"? Is it that the war split the United States and even split families, often having brother fighting against brother on different sides? Does that give you a better picture?

You need to provide details to indicate why you apply these value words.

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.