please explain to me what the quesiton and answers mean.
"¡Cuando llovió anoche, se apagaron todas las luces de la casa y no pude ver nada!" "¡Qué lástime! Debes tener una linterna con buenas _____ en caso de emergencia."
a. pilas
b. monedas
c. llaves
d. secadoras
"when it rained last night, we turned off..."
i don't understand the question
please help
4 answers
Did you translate it into English? After you do that, if you still do not understand, please repost.
that's what i don't understand
English translation is "When it rained last night, all lights went out of the house and I could not see anything! What a pity! You must have a flashlight with good _____ emergency." Which of the options would make sense in the blank?
a. Batteries
b. coins
c. keys
d. dryers
a. Batteries
b. coins
c. keys
d. dryers
"¡Cuando llovió anoche, se apagaron todas las luces de la casa y no pude ver nada!"= When it rained last night, all the lights in the house went out(off) and I couldn't see anything (OR I saw nothing.) "¡Qué lástime! = (lástima) = What a shame (pity). Debes tener una linterna con buenas _____ en caso de emergencia." = You ought to have (You should have) a lantern with good _____ in case of emergency .
a. pilas = batterues
b. monedas = coins
c. llaves = keys
d. secadoras = dryers
a. pilas = batterues
b. monedas = coins
c. llaves = keys
d. secadoras = dryers