Please check to see if I have this correct.
Premises: The desire to incarcerate juveniles with adults is based on public fear.
Premises: The public fears that juvenile crime is increasing.
Conclusion: However, crimes committed by youth are actually decreasing
3 answers
The conclusion is stated as a fact, but I don't see how it can be derived from the two premises about what people think.
How about this one.
Premises: Communities need to develop and support intensive early childhood intervention programs to promote healthy families.
Premises: Schools are the focal point for youth and their families
Conclusion: Accordingly, schools and communities need to be the focus on prevention programs for youth.
Premises: Communities need to develop and support intensive early childhood intervention programs to promote healthy families.
Premises: Schools are the focal point for youth and their families
Conclusion: Accordingly, schools and communities need to be the focus on prevention programs for youth.
That one makes a lot more sense.