Plan ONE Additional Language lesson in the Foundation Phase about the topic phonics

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Title: Introduction to Phonics

Objective: Students will learn about the relationship between letters and sounds through engaging activities.

Materials Needed:
- A variety of flashcards with different letters and corresponding images (e.g. 'A' with an apple, 'B' with a ball)
- Letter/sound matching worksheet
- Small whiteboards and markers

Lesson Procedure:

1. Warm-up (5 minutes): Start the lesson by reviewing some familiar letters and sounds with the students. Use flashcards to show the letters and ask the students to identify the corresponding sound. Encourage them to practice saying the sound out loud.

2. Introduction to Phonics (10 minutes): Explain to the students that phonics is the relationship between letters and sounds. Show them some examples of letter/sound matches using the flashcards. Ask them to repeat after you when saying the sound for each letter.

3. Letter/Sound Matching Activity (15 minutes): Hand out the letter/sound matching worksheet to each student. Ask them to match the letters with the corresponding sounds by drawing a line connecting them. Circulate around the room to provide assistance and feedback as needed.

4. Practice with Whiteboards (10 minutes): Divide the class into small groups and give each group a whiteboard and marker. Call out different letters and have the students write the corresponding sound on their whiteboards. Encourage them to take turns sharing their answers with the class.

5. Closure (5 minutes): Review the key concepts of the lesson with the students. Ask them to share what they have learned about phonics and how it can help them with reading and spelling.

6. Homework: Assign a simple phonics worksheet for students to complete at home, reinforcing the letter/sound matches learned in class.

By the end of this lesson, students should have a better understanding of phonics and how it can help them develop their reading and spelling skills. The lesson should be interactive and engaging to keep the students interested and motivated to learn.