P.D. (P.S.) I found 2 4-letter words: bien/mal. Count those spaces carefully one more time?

another unscrambler...
it's a "message" one:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

icsoasbelganueucrono(with an accent on 1 "o")
i am studying childhood experieces, personal reactions, and family relationships... unidad 2, etapa 1 from "en espanol: 2" by mcdougal littel books. thanks in advance!

oops- sorry...
the message has six blanks, space, four blanks, space, then eight blanks...
i guess the spaces got lost in translation- no pun intended! :)
thanks, again.

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum again. Are there any other cues? If it's a message and one "o" has an accent mark, it could be a verb in the Preterit. Review the flash cards for etapa 1, unidad 2 to see if you get any ideas. For example, is there a 4-letter word?