After being hired by the Board of Education, the teacher will sign a contract listing the salary and the
terms of employment.
Yes, there is a noun pronoun agreement problem. Is the word "student" singular or plural? What pronoun refers to the student? Does that pronoun agree in number?
"Once hired, the teacher will sign a contract with the board of education listing the terms of employment and what the individuals’ salary will be."
This is a run-on sentence, I can't figure out how to fix it. Please help.
"If a student is 18 or older then that student has a right to view their school records."
It says there is a noun-pronoun agreement problem.
5 answers
Thank you
The first sentence is not technically a run-on, but it does need to be shorter and less wordy.
The second sentence has another error in it. You need to use "than" not "then" when comparing things.
The second sentence has another error in it. You need to use "than" not "then" when comparing things.
I respectfull disagree, Writeacher. As I read the sentence, "then" is correct.
Oh, you're right!! I read it too fast! Thanks! =)