okay....so in my Japanese class right now, we're currently writing our speeches.. So far, I've come up with: (This is actually in Japanese but I've chosen to write this in English as I'm on a school computer which only allows English characters!)

"At first, when I went to Japan I thought Japanese culture was a little frightening, however my experience gradually improved. While I was in Japan, I improved my Japanese and learned some new customs."

HOWEVER... (And our teacher cannot help us with any grammatical functions) I am stuck on this one:
"I also learned that Japanese culture is quite different from New Zealand culture."
-My Japanese teacher explained that the function i'm trying to use is 2 years above the level we're learning and so I'd have to find another way of saying it! But can someone please tell me how to say that particular section? It would be much appreciated! :D

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Did your teacher explain exactly what function is 2 years above the level you are currently learning? Perhaps you might say "At first, when I went to Japan, the Japanese culture was (seemed) a little frightening, however with more experience, I improved my Japanese and learned some new customs." Without knowing which function is beyond your level, it is exceedingly difficult to restate what you wish to say.

I'm year 12 at high school (I'm 16 years of age) And we're currently at level 7 of our system's japanese curriculum. I just need that one sentence "I also learned that japanese culture is quite different from New Zealand culture" done, as the rest is already fine and well above what i've learned already!

Thank you for getting back to us. I am not at all familiar with your curriculum, and/or level 7. We would still need to know precisely which function is unacceptable to your teacher.

Ohhhh! I see what you mean now, my teacher just isn't allowed to tell me what I need to say, as it would be cheating! But it doesn't matter what level it is, all levels are acceptable, I just don't know this particular point as it is above what we've learned! There is no problem if the sentence structure is particularly advanced :D

Thank you for getting back to us. I certainly understand why your teacher will not tell you what to say. It might help to know the textbook you are using. If you have had the past tense (suffix imashita) I don't really see why this sentence would be beyond you. Here's what I suggest: look at the structures and vocabulary you HAVE learned and reword what you are saying so you can handle it. Often, in another language, you can't say "exactly" what you wish to say so always "simplify" what you are saying. (Gomen nasai)

Never mind, i received help on a different site