How do you write the following in Japanese hiragana: A class that I like is English. Because I like writing, and expressing emotion through words. A class I don’t like is maths, because it is harder for me to understand than other classes. I also don’t like maths because it’s more complicated.

3 answers

Here’s your text translated into Japanese hiragana:


If you need any adjustments or further translations, feel free to ask!

How do you pronounce all of that?

Here’s the pronunciation of the text provided using romaji (the Romanization of Japanese):

Suki na kurasu wa eigo desu. Nazenara, watashi wa kaku koto ya, kotoba o tsūjite kanji o arawasu koto ga suki da kara desu. Suki janai kurasu wa sūgaku desu. Nazenara, betsu no kurasu ni kurabete, watashi ni wa rikai suru no ga muzukashii kara desu. Sūgaku wa motto fukuzatsu dakara, watashi wa suki de wa arimasen.

If you need any further assistance, feel free to ask!