Ok, so this question isn't exactly for school, but i needed help for it, and thought you guys might be able to help me out.
Ok, so i am rewriting/rewording lyrics to the song 'Come back to Texas' by Bowling for Soup. (Search the song on Youtube if it will help.) Im rewriting the lyrics to make them a 'Come back to Kansas' song for my friend who has just recently moved away. I thought this would be a cool going away type present for her, but im stuck on the rhyming of one part.
It will be the first paragraph of the lyrics. Heres the real, origional version --
She said she needed a break
A little time to think
But then she went to Cleveland
With some guy named Leelan
That she met at the bank
Ive changed it to --
She said she needed a break
A little time to think
But then she went to Mason
Met a guy named Jason
Who ______________.
I cannot think of a good last line for this paragraph! I believe the last word is suposed to rhyme with break or bank...i don't know... any help or sugestions greatly appreciated!
Thank you.
5 answers
I don't know Jason.
Here are rhyming words:
Thanks for replyin' though...
break and think don't rhyme but they both are "near rhymes" ending in K.
May be - who thought she was slick. <G>
Thank you for replyin'
break = sake, fake, cake, Jake, lake, make, rake, take, wake
bank = sank, dank, Hank, lank, rank, tank, yank