College team? High school team? NFL team? You need to be more specific.
Name the team that will visit a city within its own state for a game.
33 answers
In about half of all football games, one team plays in its own state. It is called the home team.
Well you do pigskin ?
I thought only kids at myschool did it
I thought only kids at myschool did it
where can i find pigskin answer key?
look under pigskin geography 2008.
i love it
it's actually kinda fun
u might love it but I HATE IT!
yo i don't get this crap do u?
i hate pigskin geography
where are the answers
wat up girl ?
wat up Erika?
need help you jerks shut up and gimme answers
screw you all
im trying to fing my audi buddy
what are the times for the winter solstice?
i hate pigskin its dum and stupid and i realy hate it realy i do hate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Im failing social studies beacuse of this stupid stupp i hate it.
omg i hate this where the answer key
SHUT UP u losers do the god-dam work by ur self so shut the hell UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i don't have the answers, and i don't think trying to find the answer key is such a great idea. So what if it's out there ,oviously the teachers think we're responsible enough to find the answers the right way. most of you out there probably think i m insane but i m not. i m just gonna do what's right. i would not like to be caught cheeting on a simple worksheet.. that i could probably find the answers to. so 4 all you wannabe cheaters put your big girl bloomers on and find the answers the right way!!!!!!!! go to askgeeves. that should help.=D
why is it always raining????????and why rain?????? why not something good like..............meatballs=0
hUh?? wHaT yAlL nEEd HeLp WiiT?? i g0tZ aNsWeRZz i hAtE pIgSkIn TeWzZ
I HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i dentifly the panhandle state the the seattle seahaw will fly over going to their game
needinq lots of help W. piqskin qeoqraphy! :^D
well said.
aye i need help wit dis pigskin. i'm at daniel intermediate. its sucks but i still need answers
i found all the answers
the answer is Colorado, losers. :0