My teacher told us to bring in a current event of a spanish speaking country so does haiti count cuz its a latin american country.?
5 answers
No. Haiti is not a Spanish-speaking country. The people there speak Creole.
French is the dominant language in Haiti.
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Okay well either way both of your answers say no so thank you
Haiti is nota a spanish-speaking country, but it is a latin america country.
French, creole is derived from french, is as spanish a latin language.
So you must select an another country (México, Chile, Guatemala, Peru, Honduras, Nicaragua, Argentina, Uruguay, Cuba, Republica Dominicana,Panama, Colombia, Bolivia, Ecuador,...)
French, creole is derived from french, is as spanish a latin language.
So you must select an another country (México, Chile, Guatemala, Peru, Honduras, Nicaragua, Argentina, Uruguay, Cuba, Republica Dominicana,Panama, Colombia, Bolivia, Ecuador,...)
Next time, select a country and I have many newspaper/magazine sites. Always look for "Reuters" because they report the news in English from any country you pick.