My teacher said that my poem doesnt have any rhythm or sound.
Now after I corrected can you take a look and tell me how it sound as a narrative poem?
John and Fred are the closest friends
Never been suspend
They ride to school together
They sit and study for an hour.
They don't ever fight.
A girl named Isabel is new at their school
She is funny and cool
She is sweet and polite
They both like her a lot.
Soon they were fighting for her
They both became friends no longer
They had fought for the first time
Running from each other sometimes.
They didn't stop for a long time
Until they saw her at lunch time
With a tall, brown-haired boy, with dark brown eyes
Whom the two despised for giving up their tries.
Soon they both realized how bad they've been
They are too good of friends to fight over a girl
It wasn't worth ruining everything it did
Which taught them a valuable lesson.
They both were embarrassed for what had been done
Their fight was silly
Being friends is very special
And destroying it was hurtful
They are tight friends again.
2 answers
There is a difference between prose and poetry.
and have never been on suspense
they ride to school together
they sit and study for ever
isabel is admitted in their school
funny and cool as a tool
sweet and polite they may say
lovely and pretty by the day
they both began to like and adore her
and became friends no longer
because of a girl so young and tender
who provoked the height of temper
jealousy and anger then set in
for the period of time she came in
leading to hatred and fight eventually
of two friends so close mutually
for a long time they did not stop
until at lunch, when at the top
with a tall, brown-haired boy with dark brown eyes
ofwhom they despised for giving up their tries
soon they discovered how it was silly
to have fought as a bully
because of a girl who never cared
for a reason they never dared
so they decided to make ends meet
buliding their friendship as it dim fit
but learning a lesson from this mistake
and knowing that good friend's are better than the best stake.
try to show your teacher this...good luck