my teacher said that my poem doesnt have any rhythm or sound. can you please help me fix it and make it better? PLEASE!!!
The Best Of Friends
John and Fred are the closest friends
They hang all day everyday
They do homework together
They don't ever fight.
A girl named Isabel is new at their school
She is funny and cute
She is sweet and smart
They both really like her.
Soon they were fighting for her
They both became friends no longer
They had fought for the first time
Running from each other and being mean.
They didn't stop for a long time
Until they saw she liked someone else
The tall brown haired boy, with dark brown eyes
Whom both despised for being a jerk
Soon they both saw how bad they have been
They are too good of friends to fight over a girl
It wasn't worth ruining everything it did
Which taught them a valuable lesson.
They both were embarrassed for what they did
Their fight was a silly mistake
Their friendship is very special
And destroying it was a loss.
They are tight friends again.
1 answer
The best of friends are John and Fred
They understand even what is not said.
They do homework together and never fight
But just hang out all day and night.
Not great, but at least it rhymes!