My mom said I might have missed a few can you let me know -her spanish is not very good

I need to make this exact.

1. the first setnece in English During the winter break is this correct in spanish
2.In english I had time to organize my room and clothes
3. In English we celebrate Chanukah for eight days and light the candels each night
4. In spanish is it armarillo y or armaarillo,

En las vacaciones de invierno me quedé en casa. Pasé tiempo con mi familia. Yo estudié para los exámenes finales y trabajé en mi crédito-extra. Yo tuve tiempo para organizar mis cosas. Yo celebré Chanukah con mi madre y la Navidad con mi padre. En Chanukah encendimos unas velas y recibimos unos regalos. Nosotros celebramos por ocho días. La Navidad nosotros decoramos un árbol y celebramos por un día. Yo recibí una cartera amarilla y perfume y una alarma para mi IPOD. Mi mamá y yo nos divertimos al ir de compras. Pasé tiempo también con mis amigos

During the winter break I stayed at home. I spent time with my family. I studied for my final exams and worked on my extra credit. I had time to organize my room and clothes. I celebrated Chanukah with my mom and Christmas with my dad. We celebrate Chanukah for eight days and light the candles each night. For Christmas we decorate a tree and celebrate for one day. I received a yellow wallet, perfume and an alarm clock for my IPOD. My mom and I had fun together shopping. I also spent time with my friends.

2 answers

1. Seems correct to me.

2. The word "room" does not appear in your Spanish version.

3. Your sentences about Chanukah are different in English and Spanish, but are gramatically OK. (Receiving gifts is not mentioned in the English version)

4. Both spellings or "yellow" are wrong. It is amarilla
Yo tuve tiempo para organizar mi cuarto y mis cosas.

Does the English have to be exactly like the Spanish, or vice-versa?

Note celebré = is the Preterit = I celebrated, DID celebrate. Your English has the present tense = I celebrate, I AM celebratING, I DO celebrate. If this is to be about how you (did) spend/spent your vacation, you will need past tense, as you have in the Spanish.

In English, you capitalize (or should) English and Spanish but you do not in Spanish!

Just tell me HOW exact the Spanish and English must be? Actually it is NOT a good idea to write in English first and then translate. Translation is an art that comes much later! It surely will not teach you to think in Spanish!
