My improvisation teacher today told us to bring something with us to class where you can do a physical action with it. This action must be something you can do in barely 10 minutes and must have an actual ending to that action. We're doing this assignment tomorrow and I have no clue on what to do. Help please?

For example, my teacher said things such as solving a puzzle or completing a rubik's cube would work. While those ideas are perfect, I'm sure a lot of people would already plan on doing this. Any other ideas?

Any help is greatly appreciated!

7 answers

what are you good at
how about something simple, like tying a tie?
I suppose tying a tie might work. Would that really take 10 minutes to complete that action though? haha
hmmm true, true, just throwin somethin out there next (bad) ideas: wrapping a very large giftbox? Painting/drawing a simple picture?
The gift box is a good idea. Does anyone even know how to tie a tie any more? I thought only old people, like over age 25, knew such things.

There's an old routine about a drunk person on his/her way to mail a letter, staggering down the sidewalk, hanging onto lampposts, dropping the envelope, finally trying to get the thing in the streetcorner mail drop. I know, nobody ever uses paper or stamps now, but you can pretend.
Thanks for your possible ideas! Maybe drawing might work since that's pretty simple. I'm terrible at drawing but I think I could come up with something with that. Suppose copying a simple drawing would take about 10 minutes.
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