Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. I hope you didn't have to vacate your home, but if you did, I hope all went well and you are back home. I've missed Sam!
No fee here! We are volunteers, although we are not all on 24/7. Please have Sam post anything that bothers him and I'll do my best to explain it to him! That's why I'm here!
My child was helped so muc hby your spanish lessons. He said your help was amazing - and he got very overhwelmed by missing two days of school b/c of the fires. Even being an honor student Spanish I is the hardest class. I promised i would ask and see if you did private tutoring - either on line or in person. The fee is not a problem. Claire
2 answers
That is so kind of you to give your time. I was looking for a one on one spanish tutor if you find you are interested pelase let us know thanks Claire
That is so kind of you to give your time. I was looking for a one on one spanish tutor if you find you are interested pelase let us know thanks Claire