C'mon.....I don't see any attempt on your part! Try some answers and then I'll help. Naughty, naughty without the necessary accents! If you tell me whether you have a PC or a MAC, I'll provide a chart showing you HOW to make the necessary accent marks. Even though the spelling is off (lengua/universidad) I can understand the questions.
last 3
Depende de + sustantivo
Depende de si + present
Vas a mexico este verano?
No se. Depende de mis padres.
Possiblemente. Depende de si saco buenas notas.
here are the questions HELP PLEASE
1. Vas a salir este fin de semana?
2. Viajaras este verano?
3. Estudiaras otra lenguna en la unuversidad?
1 answer