Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Yes, there are feminine forms but not quite what you would expect.
la femme agent de police
(official singular) = fonctionaire (both m & f) / officials plural = les cadres / the group = le cadre / however l'officiel & l'officielle
For the rest it's easy! la femme chef / la femme ingénieur / la femme plombier
L'agent de police, le cadre, le chef d'entreprise, l'ingenieur, le plombier. Does these have feminine forms? Or do you use it for both men and women?
5 answers
how about for architecte, artiste, or journaliste?
Usually these are either m or f (both) - un artiste/une artiste. You could always clarify as above or using something like:
l'artiste? Elle est.....
With journaliste, you'd hear the difference between "ce journaliste" or "cette journaliste." Stating someone's profession with être, you would not hear the article (definite or indefinite) unless the noun is modified: Elle est journaliste. Elle est une journaliste superbe.
Hopefully that clarifies it for you.
l'artiste? Elle est.....
With journaliste, you'd hear the difference between "ce journaliste" or "cette journaliste." Stating someone's profession with être, you would not hear the article (definite or indefinite) unless the noun is modified: Elle est journaliste. Elle est une journaliste superbe.
Hopefully that clarifies it for you.
another question is when do you use an article? how do i know when should i use one?
C'est un/une artiste or C'est artiste.
Je veux etre un dentiste or Je veux etre une dentiste.
Il est un...or Il est...
C'est un/une artiste or C'est artiste.
Je veux etre un dentiste or Je veux etre une dentiste.
Il est un...or Il est...
Uses of the definite article:
1. In addition to meaning "the," it is used with nouns used in a general or abstract sense. Steel is harder than iron. = L'acier est plus dur que le fer.
2. With names of languages (except immediately afer the verb parler, after "en" and in an adjective phrase with "de ") Comprenez-vous le grec? = Do you understand Greek? Where is your French book? = Où est votre livre de français?
3. With parts of the body when the possessor is clearly indicated. Il ne peut pas tourner la tête. = He cannot turn his head. However, if the possessor must be clarified, use the possessive adjective. Ses yeux me font peur. = His eyes frighten me.
4. With titles of rank or profession followed by a name (except in direct address): le président Bush = President Bush
4. With proper nouns that are modified: la belle France = beautiful France.
5. With days of the week in a plural sense. In English we add the word "on." Le samedi je me lève tard. = On Saturday(s) I get up late. NOTE: if the day mentioned is one specific day, the article is omitted. Donnez-moi un coup de téléphone mardi. = Give me a ring (call me) on Tuesday.
6. With names of seasons and colors. Le printemps est une belle saison. = Spring is beautiful season. Aimez-vous le vert? = Do you like green?
7. Wih nouns of weight and measure to express "a, an, per:" Elle paie un dollar la livre. = She pays a dollar a pound. NOTE: With expressions indicating frequency of time, "par" is used: On mange trois fois par jour. - We eat three times a (per) day.
8. In a number of common expressions, such as: à l'école = to (in) school, le matin = in the morning, le mois prochain = next month
When to moit the article:
1. Before an numodified predicate noun of nationality, occupation, or profession: Est-il Espagnol? = Is he Spanish/a Spaniard? NOTE: The article must be used if the predicate noun is modified = Your example = Je veux être dentiste BUT je veux être un/une dentiste excellent(e).
2. Before nouns in apposition which serve merely to explain: Rome, capitale de l 'Italie... = Rome, the capital of Italy.....
3. After th exclamatory adjective quel, quelle, quels, quelles: Quelle pomme délicieuse! = What a delicious apple!
4. Before the numbers cent and mille: cent navires = a(one) hundred ships
5. In numerical titles of monarchs: Henri Quatre (Henri IV) = Henry the Fourth.
C'est un/une artiste BUT Il (Elle) est artiste.
1. In addition to meaning "the," it is used with nouns used in a general or abstract sense. Steel is harder than iron. = L'acier est plus dur que le fer.
2. With names of languages (except immediately afer the verb parler, after "en" and in an adjective phrase with "de ") Comprenez-vous le grec? = Do you understand Greek? Where is your French book? = Où est votre livre de français?
3. With parts of the body when the possessor is clearly indicated. Il ne peut pas tourner la tête. = He cannot turn his head. However, if the possessor must be clarified, use the possessive adjective. Ses yeux me font peur. = His eyes frighten me.
4. With titles of rank or profession followed by a name (except in direct address): le président Bush = President Bush
4. With proper nouns that are modified: la belle France = beautiful France.
5. With days of the week in a plural sense. In English we add the word "on." Le samedi je me lève tard. = On Saturday(s) I get up late. NOTE: if the day mentioned is one specific day, the article is omitted. Donnez-moi un coup de téléphone mardi. = Give me a ring (call me) on Tuesday.
6. With names of seasons and colors. Le printemps est une belle saison. = Spring is beautiful season. Aimez-vous le vert? = Do you like green?
7. Wih nouns of weight and measure to express "a, an, per:" Elle paie un dollar la livre. = She pays a dollar a pound. NOTE: With expressions indicating frequency of time, "par" is used: On mange trois fois par jour. - We eat three times a (per) day.
8. In a number of common expressions, such as: à l'école = to (in) school, le matin = in the morning, le mois prochain = next month
When to moit the article:
1. Before an numodified predicate noun of nationality, occupation, or profession: Est-il Espagnol? = Is he Spanish/a Spaniard? NOTE: The article must be used if the predicate noun is modified = Your example = Je veux être dentiste BUT je veux être un/une dentiste excellent(e).
2. Before nouns in apposition which serve merely to explain: Rome, capitale de l 'Italie... = Rome, the capital of Italy.....
3. After th exclamatory adjective quel, quelle, quels, quelles: Quelle pomme délicieuse! = What a delicious apple!
4. Before the numbers cent and mille: cent navires = a(one) hundred ships
5. In numerical titles of monarchs: Henri Quatre (Henri IV) = Henry the Fourth.
C'est un/une artiste BUT Il (Elle) est artiste.