Indicate if subjonctive or infinitif

1) Je suis certain qu'il trouve le passeport
2) Est-ce que tu penses qu'il trouve le passeport?
3) On dit qu'il trouve le passeport

11 answers

If you post your answers, I'll send this to one of our French experts.
Just for starters, subjunctive is a mood, and infinitive is not. I expect you mean indicative.

Just from my knowledge of Portuguese, I figure that 1 and 3 are indicative, and 2 is subjunctive.

But, as Ms Sue says, our French expert will be glad to give feedback on your thoughts.
1) subjontif
2) subjonctif
3) infinitive
My answers, but im not sure if it is right
I'll send this to SraJMcGin.
Thank you
Will i be getting help from SraJMcGin..
Yes, but you may have to wait until tomorrow.
Oh i cant. i need it for to today...
Ok i will wait.
OK. I just received this at 5:51 pm PST. Here is what you have:
1. Indicative. No Subjunctive since you are certain/sure.

2. Subjunctive because you asking what someone believes. You can not predict the answer.

3. Indicative because someone is stating a fact.

Sra (aka Mme)

I'll flag this and come back later to see if you have additional questions. The tricky part is that OFTEN the Present Indicative and the Present Subjunctive can look the same!