in the following sentence I am to cirle the indirect object pronouns and draw an arrow to the direct object they stand for.

A mi me gusta ir de compras. Es muy divertido comprar regalos para mi famililia y mis amigos.

MY ANSWSER is this correct.
** cirled me arrow to a mi
** cirled los in regalos arrow to mi famililia

2 answers

Muy bien!
Hola, otra vez. Since we can't draw circles and it's a bit difficult to draw arrows (-----> or <-----) Or ,at least it is hard to read!

#1 The indirect object pronoun (IOP) is "me" = to me
The direct object (DO) is "ir de compras" = to go shoping.
Literally the sentence says "Shopping/To go shopping" IS pleasing to me. (A mí)

In the next one: "to buy gifts or comprar regalos" is the DO and "for my family and for my friends" the IND are "mi familia = check spelling" and "mis amigos."

I will post the charts IF I can post. Unfortunately everything is on my computer but it rarely will copy and post to Jiskha!
