When the past participle is used as an adjective. For example, the verb ouvrir might be "la porte est ouverte."
In the passé composé with avoir, the past participle agrees with a preceding direct object. "C'est la porte qu'il a ouverte."
In the passé composé with être, the past participle agrees with the subject. "Elle est descendue l'escalier."
Be sure to keep asking questions when you don't fully understand something.
Sra (aka Mme)
In all French verbs tenses do you add an extra e for females es for feminine plural and s for masculine plural. ?
is this just for the passe compose or direct object pronoums ?
3 answers
Thanks SraJMCGin
That answers most of my question.
What about when in any other tenses when indicating a female ?
i.e je me lave(e) ?
ie Present tense of donner
or any other tenses imperfect, future
Je donne
tu donne
il donne
elle donne ?
Many thanks if you can help
That answers most of my question.
What about when in any other tenses when indicating a female ?
i.e je me lave(e) ?
ie Present tense of donner
or any other tenses imperfect, future
Je donne
tu donne
il donne
elle donne ?
Many thanks if you can help
Answer is above in your later post.
Sra (aka Mme)
Sra (aka Mme)