I'm in grade 9, and my oral exam is coming up on monday. One of the possible questions involves knowing the plot of the textbook 'Sans frontieres 9e' that I had to return already. Specifically 'Selon toi, qui a commis le crime a\Logi-clique? Pourquoi?' Translation 'In your opinion, who commited the crime at Logi-clique? Why( do you think so)?

Thanks in advance.

1 answer

Hopefully during the year you maintained a good notebook with notes on each chapter/unit. Unfortunately we access to no class, textbook, workbook, etc.

If this book (was it edition 2000?) were online and I knew the unit, page, etc. I could help you. Otherwise how specifically may I help you?

This is not a textbook I have used so I have not read "Le Crime à Logi-clique" so I have no idea what it entails.

If you can post specifically how I can assist you, I will be only too happy to do that.

Sra (aka Mme)