I'm completely lost. After overviewing the political arrangements of Iberian and Anglo-French, explain whether governmental complexion came to influence, then, the types of colonial settlements they respectively pursued. Please point me in the right directino
5 answers
Umm...what exactly are you doing? A little more information on your task would be helpful.
Your question needs more details. What year(s) are you referring to? What actions/events are you referring to?
Otherwise, a search at www.google.com for iberian anglo-french politics governments is about all I can suggest.
Otherwise, a search at www.google.com for iberian anglo-french politics governments is about all I can suggest.
England's constitutional states opposed to Spain, France, Russias absolute monarchy
Iberian means Spanish and Portuguese from the Iberian Peninsula. It seems to be colonization in the New World?
Thanks - I think I got a handle on it