if anyone's heard of the "experience machine", please let me know if they would go in or not and why. i just need a reason or two. thanks.

7 answers

I wouldn't go in. Check this article for some reasons.

thanks... there's only one kid in my class who would. i'm writing a paper to persuade someone NOT to go in.
You're welcome -- and good luck with your paper. You might compare the experience machine with taking drugs.
Hmmm... that's a good idea! I'd feel bad using it in the essay, though, because it's not my own. Maybe I'll bring it up in class tomorrow. Thanks!
I was thinking of saying something like in the Machine, if you set it a certain way, your life would be perfect, and a perfect life can be boring... etc...etc...unrealistic...etc...
True. If you've read Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, you could also draw some comparisons.

I also like the argument that if everyone is in the Machine, then who regulates or fixes it if something goes wrong?
"(Ignore problems such as who will service the machines if everyone plugs in.)"

I haven't read Brave New World. I think that's a summer reading book for seniors or something. Maybe in four years.