First of all, you need to know what the vocabulary is and which part of speech each word is.
verb = miro (I look at), miramos (we look at)
el empleado = the employee
el video = the video
la carpeta = portfolio (other meanings depending upon the country, context, etc.)
la profesora = the teacher
al = means to...a masculine noun
a la = means to...a feminine noun.
You have 2 masculine nouns and 2 feminine nouns.
Now, try 4 sentences and we will be glad to proofread them (or HELP) if we are still online.
What is a sentence? A verb + noun.
I need help.. i need to make 4 sentences.. With...
(Miro) (Miramos)
El, la, al, a la
I don't care how u make them i just need help..
1 answer