The first is an excellent site for helping you learn how to conjugate verbs. Conjugating verbs in Spanish is much easier than doing it in French. Most verbs are regular; therefore, you just need to learn the regular forms for "ar" "er" and "ir" verb. Then MEMORIZE the irregularities.
This one is a "quick fix"... I recommend working with the first one.
I need help conjugating the verb Pasar into prsent tense, imperfect tense, preterite, -ing, tu affirmative command, Ud. affirmative command, Uds. affirmative command, future, and conditional tense.
I also need to conjugate Tener into present tense.
I am having trouble because I switched from studying a few years of French to studying Spanish.
2 answers
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Don't forget your textbook, because if it is a good book, in the back (appendix) it will h ave pattern verbs in all the tenses. Also, "pasar" is a regular -ar verb, like the pattern verb "hablar."
I suggest you invest in the paperback book 201 or 501 Spanish Verbs where each page is dedicated to a different verb with all the forms.
If you aren't sure, type the verbs out and we'll be glad to check them for you.
I suggest you invest in the paperback book 201 or 501 Spanish Verbs where each page is dedicated to a different verb with all the forms.
If you aren't sure, type the verbs out and we'll be glad to check them for you.