I have to 'discuss the language' of some quotes which I have taken out of the text which I'm doing, but I'm not sure what to do.

With this, do I have to talk about punctuation marks, specific words?

3 answers

I don't think they mean punctuation. I think they are talking about why the writer used a specific vocabulary. Do the words have a double meaning? Are they in a different language? Are they chosen to protray a specific mood? Are they chosen for sound?

Now... the other possibility is that the works are by authors who do NOT use punctuation... There are few of those...and , my opinion, the works are very hard to read. <G>
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. In addition to the assistance you've received above, here are some things you might discuss:

In the quotes you have selected, have you found fact or fiction, figurative language (metaphors, similes, etc.) What is the style, or vocabulary, like. Are these quotes relevant or irrlevant.

I'd focus on choice of words, for the most part, in addition to the order in which the words are placed in the phrases and clauses.

Normal English word order in a sentences is this: subject - verb - direct object/predicate noun or adjective. Whenever that order is not kept, it's either a question or there's some emphasis being made.

To deal with word choice, be sure to make heavy use of a good thesaurus, such as http://www.thesaurus.com You'll be able to look up synonyms and then discuss the other words an author may have chosen; you'll be able to explain why you think the author chose what he/she did and why other similar words weren't used.

Example: "thrown into jail" vs "incarcerated" -- why would an author use one or the other?